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"Can you spot him?" I whispered in Sloane's ear. The 2 year old searched the ice like it was her life's mission, immediately slamming at the same time as Avery beside us. "No baby, that's uncle Theo. We're looking for daddy. Where's daddy?" 

I shifted Slone to the other side so she was stood side by side with Avery. The two girls were born to be best friends. Me and Lil have been inseparable for more years than I can count but raising our babies together has been a whole other experience. The people that surround my daughter are strong women with such drastically different jobs in arts, and sports and law and tech. Her dad is devoted and obsessed with everything Sloane and I know for a fact my girl is never going to have to fight for her parent's love like I had to for so many years. 

The game tonight had been eventful and the 2 girls were finally no longer screaming at the body slams into the walls, instead they looked at each other, the glass and went back to whatever it was they were doing. With the game over and celebrations underway, we were trying to find the guys to join their celebrations. They were both a few more games away from retiring at the end of season and honestly, it couldn't come soon enough. The anxiety of these games got to me every single week but I know how major they were to Cole so I'd keep coming until he decided he was done. Turns out his limit was Sloane slipping on the ice and getting a tiny cut. He'd said that he drew the line at either of his girls getting hurt and didn't want to encourage it. I don't know how to tell him she's been taking baby skating classes with Avery at Lil's rink. He'd probably murder me. 

A hand slams into the glass and Sloane squeals, stomping her feet before slamming her hands into the glass over and over again. Cole chuckled, slamming his hands a little more gentle on the other side. His grin grew with every tiny scream of Sloane shouting for her dad as I tried to keep her stood right there. Cole nodded over to the gate and I pulled Sloane in close, taking each of her physical kicks as she threw a tantrum, unaware I was trying to get her to her dad and the second she realized, the tantrum turned to excited fidgeting. 

"Alright, alright, alright. God kid. I can only move so fast when you're booting me literally everywhere can you chill out a sec?!" Cole chuckled as I reached the gate, holding his daughter out like a doll. "You have her." 

"My angel girl." Cole grabbed her out of my arms, spinning her around in circles in the air above his head before dropping her down and covering her in kisses until that sweet baby laugh had other people turning to watch. "Have you been good for mama?" 

"No." I scowled, crossing my arms. "It's not fair you know. I carried her. I pushed her giant head out of me, did all the shitty nappies and late nights when you were at away games and what do I get? Kicked in the face because he loves her dad more." 

"She does not love me more." Sloane grabs Cole's face at the perfect moment, planting a wet sloppy open mouthed kiss on his lips. "Do you? Do you love mama?" Sloane shook her head, further driving my point home. "Theo?" 

"What now Ambrose?" 

"Here. Have your goddaughter." 

"HEY! Wait, no, I've go-" Cole didn't let him finish, just handed Sloane to his already open arms and reached for me." 

"Not a chance." He wriggled his eyebrows, that sly smirk that causes too much fucking trouble. It's that sly smirk that got us Sloane and I have no doubt he'll get me into more mindless trouble with it in the future. He pushed to the edge of the ice, uncrossing my arms and pulling me onto the ice anyway. "Cole. I'm not wearing ska-" 

"Eh, it's fine." Cole bent down, hoisting me up and around his waist with ease. "See. Fine." 

"You're gonna hurt your back again." 

"God woman. What's got in your bonnet tonight? We won the game, our baby girl is happy and laughing and - yeah I'm not gonna look over there. What's up?" 


"Callie." I huffed. "She loves you. She's just going through a stage. She sees me less than you. Wait until I retire. She'll be dying to come down to the studio to dance with you. You'll see." 

"I don't believe you." 

"Sorry, have I been wrong about anything before?" 

"Um. Yes." 

"Oh god." 

"I've got a list on my phone if you want me to go get it but I'm sure I can remember some off the top of my head." He chuckled, kissing me hard as he came to a stop, slowly setting me down on the ice. "First off, literally last night when you said we didn't have any chicken nuggets in." 


"Last week when you said you'd moved the car before it snowed and we definitely wouldn't get snowed in." 


"Christmas when you said my parents would send Sloane a gift." He grabs my face in his hand, squishing my cheeks so I shut up. I can't help but chuckle. 

"Let's get married." 

"What?" Cole nods. 

"I've wanted to marry you since the moment I saw you at Lil's party." Cole lowered himself down onto one knee, right there in the middle of the ice and when I looked around, the whole team, retired friends, Lara, Kaz, everyone is stood on the other end of the ice. He organised this. Catching me completely off guard. "Marry me Callie" 

"Are you serious right now?" 

"Deadly." Cole held up a ring between his giant fingers. 

"You're kidding." 

"Callie I'm not joking." I lowered myself down onto my knees in front of him. "You're my world Cal. I know you wanted to set up the studio and then Sloane came along. I can't keep putting it off darling. I love you and our girl more than anything in the world and now just feels like the right time. There's something in my head telling me now's the right time Cal and you know I trust that voice more than I trust myself. When I met you Cal, I knew you'd be important to me but I never saw you meaning as much as you do now. I never saw me wanting to destroy the world to keep you happy. I never thought I'd feel this strongly about anyone and with everything we've gone through, I have not a single doubt in this whole world that your the person I want by my side until the end of time. So will you make me even happier than I thought was possible and continue to show me things I didn't think were possible by marrying me?" 

"No." Cole's hopeful smile turns to fear and I giggle, holding his face between my hands. "God, now who's too serious. Of course I'll marry you Cole." He scowled at me, scrunching his nose up as he snatched my left hand, forcibly pushing the ring onto my finger and wrapping a tight arm around my waist, pulling me into him and kissing me much too hard. 

"Just you fucking wait until we get home. Lil and Theo can have Sloane tonight because you need punishing for that." 

"Oh you're so dramatic it was a joke." Cole dug his fingers into my side, ticking me quickly, only managing a second before the crowd of people began to surround us, tiny feet slipping across the ice as she stumbled into mine and Cole's arms. 

If someone had told me 6 years ago the life I'd have now, I'd never have believed them. I'd never have believed I'd have ended up with someone who loves me as wholly and completely as Cole does. I never imagined my friends would be my chosen family I spend most of my life with, nor that I'd be raising a child on my terms with a man I actually loved whilst we both worked jobs we love. I never saw my freedom breaking into adult life. I'd always believed it was to live and die as soon as I made the decision to grow up and start making the important decisions for the rest of my life. But looking around the people with me now, the love and laughter and happiness that is flooding blood, I had it all wrong. It was those decisions that freed me. 

All because of some mindless crush on a tall brooding hockey player who was supposed to cause me trouble. 

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