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Are you sure you don't want me to come pick you up?
You can still spend the night here Cal. Just because
Theo's home doesn't mean you have to go home.

"Are you sure you're okay? You've been so quiet lately." I pulled sunk down to the floor, removing the stupid fucking heels and swapping them out for my converse. I was struggling to put myself back together this time. I don't know why it was so much harder but I'd ended up at Lil's that first night. Cole dropped me home before it even hit dinner time and I'd tried. I'd tried to get some sleep but all I kept seeing was Cole's disappointed face and feeling Sebastian's hands on every inch of me. It'd been 4 years since our week long fling. Something completely consensual and sure it was fun but not ruin my life forever kind of fun. I just want him to leave me alone. If I never see Sebastian again, it'd be too soon. 

"Yeah, I'm good. Gimme a hand up?" I reached for Sarah's hand, letting her pull me to my feet. "Just exhausted recently." 

"You look it." Sarah gave me a soft smile. "Need a ride to the bar?" 

"No I need the walk to clear my head a little. Did you hear that woman going off about the Sapphire in that new ring not being Blue so we shouldn't be labelling it as a Sapphire?" Sarah snorted and started locking up with me, setting the alarm whilst I unlocked the front door. 

"Did you tell her Sapphire's come in different colours?" 

"Tried to. You know what it's like when they get there. It's like talking to a brick wall. I could fill a glass with water from the tap and tell them it's water and they'd find a way to argue it." 

"Hey. Don't look now, you know that hockey player that came in a few months back?" I froze, key in the lock. 3 weeks Cole had been radio silent and now he just shows up? 

"Mhm." I look at his reflection in the window before exhaling, turning the key and shoving it deep in my pocket. 

"He's here. I'll give you a -" 

"I'm good Sarah, I swear. He's harmless." 

"Doesn't look harmless." 

"Weren't you told to never judge a book by it's cover?" Sarah rolls her eyes. "I'm good. I'll text you when I get to the bar. See you tomorrow." I keep my hands rooted in my jacket, ignoring Cole's presence and heading towards my normal route. If he thinks he can just turn up after ignoring my texts for 3 weeks he can get screwed. We were supposed to go meet his family 2 weeks ago and as much as I was not looking forward to any of that, I also was dreading the idea of not seeing Cole again. I gave it a week, to let us both calm down and I'd hoped we'd be able to get our agreement back on track but he'd jumped ship. No explanation, nothing. 

"Where are you going Callie?" He called down the otherwise empty street. I didn't respond, turned the corner and picked up my pace slightly. My phone buzzed in my pocket but I knew better than to get it out when I'm walking alone. He drove past me, pulling up a little way down the street but not even turning the engine off before climbing out and storming over to me. "Stop being stubborn Callie." 

"Sorry, my mum taught me not to talk to strangers." Cole blocked me on the street. "I've got somewhere to be." 

"I know. Get in." 

"Not even gonna offer me sweets? This is a pretty bad kidnapping." I rolled my eyes, trying to get around him again. 

"You want a kidnapping?" I gave him an uninterested look, rolling my eyes as his jaw locked. "Fine." Cole stepped forward, leaned toward me and tossed me over one of his shoulders. "Have it your way." 

"What the FUCK! COLE! PUT ME DOWN." 

"I will, when you're in the car." 

"This- you can't-" I tried to wriggle out of his hold but I had no chance. He had one arm wrapped around the back of my thighs, not needing anything else to keep me in place even as I fought against him. He only let go to slide me into the passenger seat of the car, pulling my belt across me and grabbing my chin so I was forced to look at him. 

"You lied to me Callie." 

"What are you talking about? You're the one who's been ignor-" He let go, stepped back and closed the door before I could finish my sentence. This man. This man pisses me off more than I'd care to admit and yet I don't find myself trying to get out of the car. I didn't try my best to get out of his hold. I didn't scream for help. 

Cole climbed back into the car, slamming his door a little too hard and immediately turning the car around, driving in the wrong direction. 

"Oh. So this is a kidnapping?" I crossed my arms over my chest, turning to face him but he didn't respond. "I've got work Cole." 

"Don't worry about it." 

"Don't wo- I don't think you understand how badly I need that jo-" The car screeches to a halt in the middle of the street, causing car horns to blare as they narrowly avoid slamming into us. It's  not exactly a quiet road he's decided to stop in. It's not like he's pulled to the die. No. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" I stare at him for a few seconds before diverting my attention elsewhere. 

"You're going to get us both killed if you stay parked here." 

"Well I'm not moving until you answer the question." 


"No. No, you don't get to Veto that one. Just tell me Callie." 

"There's noth-" Cole reached over, gripping my chin between thumb and finger and turning my head to face him. Half a second. That's all I had before Cole closed the space between us, pushing a hard, demanding kiss to my lips. I try to inhale but as I do he works a hand around to the back of my neck, burying into my hair and pressing me against him harder and I forget of an existence outside of this moment where Cole is giving me a kiss like no other. He pulls back and I force air into my lungs, staring back into his glassy eyes. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" He whispers. 

"You already made your mind up." Cole stares at me like there's more to it. There wasn't. What happens in my private life is just that. My private life. It doesn't effect Cole. Doesn't change anything. I managed to capture the remaining butterflies flapping around in my stomach, locking them back into the cage they belonged in. "I have work." 

"Don't worry about it." 


"I said, don't worry about it Cal. I've sorted it. I know the owner." 

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