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"I uh- I think I misheard you there." I almost laughed as Cole slid into the driver's seat. "Did you just tell me you broke into my apartment and packed up all of my belongings whilst I was at work and then demanded I moved into your place?" 

"Well, I didn't break in and I mean, technically the guys I paid to move your stuff didn't either. The landlord let them in." I stared at Cole. He was kidding. Any second now he's going to snicker and this is going to be a really bad joke that I don't quite get the punchline too and I'll tell Lilah how funny he is. 

"Still waiting for the punchline here Cole." 

"There isn't a punchline Callie." He turns the key in the engine. "Sebastian is fucking psychotic. If he's willing to hurt you when your supposed boyfriend - that could squish him like the vile little bug he is- was a mere handful of feet away at a packed party with people everywhere, there is nothing stopping him from coming down here and taking it further. Am I just supposed to, what? Stand by and let him? What if I'm on the other side of town and I can't get to you in time? What if you can't get to your phone to get help Callie?" 

I can feel my heart rate spiking because every word coming out of his mouth is a fear I've been trying to convince myself wouldn't happen. Hearing it coming from him is all the confirmation I need that it is, in fact, totally possible for Sebastian to have enough of me refusing him, to get my address from my mum, come down here and break in whilst I'm at work. He could be there now. Waiting for me to come home alone and pounce. I feel a tear slid down my cheek, hot and heavy but before it can even get half way, Cole is swiping away it's existence with a gentle touch. 

"You're okay Cal. I'm not going to let him hurt you okay? But I can't do that if you're on the other side of town, walking home in the dark alone. I know you said you don't need me to keep you safe Cal and under normal circumstances I fully believe you. I saw how you handled the guy in the club, you didn't even hesitate. But for whatever reason, Sebastian was able to get you alone for long enough to do whatever it was he did and I do not trust the guy to not do it again." I can't breathe. There's not enough air in this car and the air that is, is thick like cement  and it's clinging to my lungs. "Cal?" I shake my head. "Callie? Cal, look at me Love. Shit. Okay. Uh-" 

Cole looks around the space as I try to refocus myself on my breathing. I've done this before. I've had these- breathing troubles or whatever they are. I just- I just need to focus. My brain needs a second to reboot. 

"Here. Come here. I've got you." Cole pushes the button, releasing my seatbelt and lifting me out of the seat. He sat me on his lap, immediately holding my face softly between his hands. "You're okay Cal. It's just a panic attack okay? You're gonna be okay. Follow me okay? We're gonna breathe in, really slow. Just like this." He demonstrates a few times, breathing with me. In and out. One breath at a time and a lifetime later, my breathing staggers out, the tightness in my chest easing slowly. "Good. Good, keep going Cal, keep breathing baby. I'm gonna get us home okay?" I go to move back to my seat and Cole shakes his head, forehead crumpling. "No, no, you stay there. You're okay there. It'll be easier for me to drive if I can feel you breathing on me." Cole presses his hand into my back, pushing until I'm flush with him, my head naturally moving into his neck. "That's it Callie. Nice and easy baby. I've got you. No one's going to hurt you when I've got you." 

I nod into his neck and close my eyes, letting my hand cling to the fabric of his hoodie tight enough that he isn't going to slip away by the time I open them again. He smells of Lavender today. Lavender and something else I can't make out but I breath it in deep, instantly feeling calmer. Cole moves his hand under my jumper, his thumb tracing calming circles on the small of my back and the motion is enough to send me into that state, somewhere between being asleep and awake where everything feels too calm and too quiet but it doesn't worry me like it usually does and I let it take me away. I let Cole drive and take me to what is apparently our house, something I will have to argue with him about tomorrow, I don't doubt it. I have no intention of having a free ride. 

When the vibrations of the car under us both ceases, Cole moves, slowly, thinking through every single move so he doesn't disturb me. I don't know how long it's been or where we are but the car door slams shut and Cole starts walking, brisk spring air practically slamming me in the face as he does. He's only supporting me with one arm, my entire body weight resting on the one arm he has under my ass and I suddenly realize how hard it must be to hold me like this. 

"Don't you even dare think about moving." Cole whispers, stepping into an elevator, pressing a button with his one free hand. 

"I was just gonna-" 

"I said don't you dare. Stay right as you are. You're fine." I move my head slightly. "Are you hungry?" 

"A little." 

"When did you eat last?" 

"What time is it?" 

"Almost 10." 

"Like 12 hours ago." His jaw stiffens above my head. "We were manic at work, I didn't have time for a break and I was going to eat when I got to the bar but you showed up." The doors opened and Cole started moving again. I didn't lift my head for even a second. Just wanting to be as close to him as possible for those extra few seconds. 

"Okay." Cole lowered me down onto the bed, standing up slowly and walking over to a closet. "Get comfortable. I'm gonna go make some food real quick. Bathrooms through that door. Your room is over the hall but all your stuff is boxed up. We can sort that tomorrow. You can put thee on in the meantime and there's stuff in the shower you can use, spare toothbrush out in the holder hasn't been touched. Shout me if you need me or on the side of the light switch and behind the bedside table there's buttons that alert my phone. Press those if you need me." 

"Buttons that alert your phone?" 

"Yep. Got them fitted in all the main rooms today. Just incase. Not that anyone can get up here without my permission anyway." 

"They can't?" 

"No, they need a fob to scan in the elevator that allows you onto this floor. I've ordered you one but it's gonna take a few days. We'll work around it in the meantime. I won't be long. Okay?" I nod my head and Cole shoots me a soft smile before leaving the room. 

I apparently moved in with Cole?

Sorry, pretty sure I'm having an aneurism or smthn.
Call me. 

I will tomorrow. 
I need to shuffle some things around in my head first

I stg 
If you tell me you sleep with him tonight...

I am way too tired to even think about sex rn

Brb, screenshotting this to send to Lar and Kaz because 
I know for a fact this will never happen again. 

He did kiss me tonight


In the car. Just us 2. No one watching. 

This is so funny. I'm reading that as Kiss
as in like your lips touching together and that
he did it without people you're lying to watching
which means it was just for you two. 
Maybe I need to get my eyes checked.

You're so funny.
You know when you lose the next Olympics, 
you should become a stand up comedian. 
You wouldn't sell out a single seat. Not even Theo.

OOOOFT. Low blow
Theo says you owe me ice cream.

Theo's the reason I'm fucking here in the first place

Theo says he owes us both ice cream. 

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