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I was pissed. 

3 weeks on and I was still pissed. 

I don't understand what the fucking point of it all was. Callie, Caroline, whatever the fuck her name was, needed me to take her to that fucking wedding to get her parents off her back about not dating their perfect ideal man for her. The asshole who told her she was going to fail at everything in life and end up right back there with him whilst her supposed boyfriend was stood right there with her. He had no fucking respect for her and she still fucked off with him mid reception to do god knows what in a fucking closet. 

I know we said there was no strings attached and that we were free to date or do whatever as long as it was in private- but him? Of all the people at the wedding she could have fucked that night she opted for him. The girl has some fucked up head if she's gonna fall right into his trap. 

I brought us home Sunday morning and the ride was silent. None of her trying to play stupid car games, none of her complaining that she could drive, nothing. She just sat there in the passenger seat in silence, staring out of the window for the full ride, looking like she'd been up all night, probably with that douchebag plowing into her over and over again. 

"Oi! Ambrose!" I rolled my eyes, lifting adding another weight onto the bar in the hopes Golding would leave me the fuck alone. I did what he wanted. I took her to the damn wedding, didn't touch her no matter how much I fucking wanted to. If I thought she looked hot in the red dress at the rehearsal dinner, swirling around in my hand as she taught me how to fucking dance, the wedding was something else. Black was Callie's colour, aint no doubt about it. Every time I saw her in black I had to think about the most disgusting thing I possibly could to counteract the rock that instantly formed in my pants. "What the fuck did you do?!" Theo rounded the machine as I lifted the weights, standing square in the way of my view in the mirror. 

"Welcome home Golding, how was your trip?" Theo looked like he was about to implode. If he clenched his jaw any harder he's gonna need jaw surgery. 

"What. Did. You. Do?!" 

"I haven't done anything. What are you on about?"

"You're a fucking liar. I told you not to fucking hurt her." 

"I didn't -" 

"Then why the fuck did I get home last night to my fiancé going ballistic that her best friend was assaulted?" Okay, now he had my attention. "Just because you had her up there does not give you the fucking right to-" 

"What?" I dropped the weights onto their stand, locking my eyes on Theo's. 

"What the fuck did you do to her Ambrose?" By this point, we'd gathered a crowd in the team gym. "Do you think you can force yourself on some poor girl like that?" My heart thudded in my chest. 

"What are you going on about Golding?" 

"I'm not spelling it out for you. I knew you were trouble Cole but when I set Lilah's best friend away with you, I didn't think you'd force her into something. You're sic-" Theo continued rambling, insulting me for forcing Callie into something I didn't. I don't have to look around to feel the glares from my team mates as they join in. I step towards Theo. 

"What exactly did Lilah say?" He grinds his teeth, jaw tensing. "I didn't touch her Golding, I swear on my entire fucking career not a single thing happened between us. She disappeared for 40 minutes though so I need you to tell me exactly what she told Lilah because if something happened I know exactly who fucking did it." He continued staring at me like I was a criminal. I looked around the room, scowling at the ever growing crowd and pulling him out of the room. Nobody should be hearing this conversation. 

"Are you telling me someone assaulted her at the wedding?" 

"Someone?" Golding scoffed. "You." 

"The furthest things went with us was I kissed her cheek at the table with her family watching. I had zero intentions of crossing a single line with her. She's got some fucked up douche bag telling her she's going to fail and marry him though. Right there, in front of me. Told her she was going to fail because she was young and careless and she'd fuck up and call him to bring her home. He's bought a fucking house for her in butt fuck nowhere. Spent the whole weekend staring at us both like he was planning a fucking murder. Whether it was mine or hers at this point I don't have a clue but it wasn't me that laid a single hand on her. Callie is worth so much more than that." He stared at me and I pushed a hand through my hair. God I fucked up. I just presumed Callie would do that. With him of all people. She literally ran into me looking like she was running from the murderer in a horror film. I can still feel her struggling to breathe in my space. 


Of course she didn't sleep with him. God. What an idiot I am. 

"Where is she Golding?" 

"I'm not-" I snapped my head to him as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I needed to handle this. Now. 

"I won't ask you again Golding. Where the fuck is my girlfriend?"  He narrowed his eyes slightly. 

"You know your relationship is fake right? It's not-" I pushed my forearm into Theo's throat, pinning him up against the wall. This guy would be a decent fight if he wanted to put one up, there wasn't a single doubt in my head. I wasn't doing this to hurt him and he knew that. If he didn't, he'd be fighting back but he wasn't. I just needed him to know how fucking serious I was about this. He's right about me being trouble and if he doesn't give me the answer I need right now, he's going to end up on the wrong side of it. 

"Last chance before I turn to Lilah, Golding." 

"Touch her and I swear to god I will rip you limb from limb."

"So you know exactly how I feel about Callie. I need to know where she is Theo and I'm prepared to tear this world apart to find her. It'd be a hell of a lot easier if you just tell me where she is." Half of his lips pull up into a cocky smirk I want nothing more than to pull off his face but it's not going to get me anywhere fast. "Please." 

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