i. there's royals?

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𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲


At Number 12 Grimmauld Place

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At Number 12 Grimmauld Place...

𝕿he Order of the Pheonix crowded around the table. The golden trio were confused why they were being included in this order meeting. As Harry looked around, he noticed Elladora Clawhark and her mother standing there. Elladora was a pureblood Gryffindor that constantly hung around Slytherins, hence labelled a traitor by them.

She hung around the purebloods mostly and any halfbloods that were from a respectable family. Surprisingly, she also hung around any muggleborns that were high up in their society. 

Hermione commented that she most likely did this as her family was well-known in the Muggle world, she was making connections with her peers.

Since she hung around Purebloods, her main friendship group consisted of Slytherins, which made Harry shocked that they would still associate with her even though the house difference.

Next to Elladora sat a rather elegant woman, she was dressed in silk robes and her dark hair was smoothed back into a bun. She shared the features that Elladora bore. Harry supposed that this was her mother, Alexandra Clawhark.

Dumbledore cleared his throat as the Golden Trio found themselves a place to stand. "Thank you all for coming. I have some news to share with you all."

"As you're aware, the magical community in America has a... different  hierarchy to ours. To strengthen relationships, and also to distract the rest of the British Magical community from the events at the Quidditch World Cup from last year and the end results of the Triwizard Tournament, the Ministry of Magic have decided to invite some.. special guests from overseas to experience British Wizarding life and British Wizarding school for a year." Dumbledore continued.

"This year at Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic decided to invite the youngest Princes and Princesses along with some of the Marquess, Marchioness, Earl, Countess and nobles of the royal magical Olympia family from America to stay with us and to broaden connection with other magical governments and communities. This is also why we are joined by Lady Alexandra Clawhark and her heiress Elladora Clawhark." Dumbledore motioned towards the two who gave stiff smiles to the Order.

Everyone immediately started talking at once.

"Blimey! Imagine that, royalty coming to Hogwarts? It's like something new happens every year, eh?" Ron commented as he stared off into space at the ceiling.

"I wonder what they'll be like. I hope they're not stuck up like Malfoy, that'll be a bloody nightmare." Harry grumbled, imagining a bunch of people simultaneously yelling 'I'll tell my father about this'.

"I hope not, Harry. It would dampen the whole feel of the year. If that was the news then why is Clawhark and her mum even here?" Hermione wondered.

All the chatter in the room died down as Alexandra Clawhark stood up and all attention was drawn to her.

"As Dumbledore said, my heir and I are here for that reason. And also to join the Order."

To say that everyone was shocked was an understatement. "What would we even get, eh? You-Know-Who's spies?" a random member spoke up.

Alexandra's eyes narrowed at him and the wizard shrunk back. "I could've just simply not told Dumbledore at all and none of you would've known till the day before and by then there would be nothing extra that you could do apart from ensuring that there is appropriate accommodation to house them at Hogwarts for the school year." she spat out.

"And we could give you information. The Ministry has let it slip that they've already assigned a new DADA professor and it is Umbridge. The Ministry is perhaps trying to interfere with Hogwarts or maybe they assigned her that position to ensure that nothing happens this year while we have our guests."

"The entire exchange is being managed by High Duchess Hailey of MACUSA, or Duchess Hailey Olympia. One thing you should know is that the whole family is immortal, meaning there are some descendants of the royals who are the children of other royals. The Ministry of Magic has assigned my family to be their host when they arrive in Britain on August 28th. The Ministry has even provided us with a detailed plan for a tour of Magical Britain that only covers the glory that has been accomplished completely ignoring any facts about dark wizards like Voldemort." A lot of people in the Order flinched at the sound of his name.

"What are we going to be doing about him anyway?" Kingsley questioned, directing it at Dumbledore. He simply stroked his beard and pursed his lips.

"It won't be long till Voldemort finds out about this..." The wise wizard murmured in the quiet room.

"You have a spy don't you?" Alexandra spoke.

"How did you know that?" Moody rose to his feet, wand pointed at the witch. She rolled her eyes and retorted, "You just told me and it would be reckless to not have one." She met his glare with a one of her own and he lowered his wand.

"From the way that they were talking about them, I thought that they were going to say that they were to stay here, until Clawhark's mum said that. Thank goodness mum would have had us cleaning from top to bottom till they would arrive," Ginny muttered to the trio.

"No offense to anyone, but it's a good thing that they aren't either. This place isn't exactly welcoming." Elladora walked over to them.

"This place is wonderful, and you aren't actually welcome here," Harry growled at her, Elladora simply looked at him with an unamused sniff and carried on talking.

"As I said, no offense. But for starters, they wouldn't be able to stay here at all. Black is a wanted convict, and any transfers between magical communities are managed through the governments. And they often provide a host/guide family when you arrive to either let you temporarily stay with them or show you around the community. This place is not exactly a good reflection of Wizarding Britain" She replied.

Meanwhile at Camp Half Blood...

The selected campers stood around a ping pong table speaking to one another. "What's going on Chiron?" Katie Gardner asked the centuar. "You're here for a visit to the Wizard world," a charming voice spoke out from a corner. With her long black hair and dark purple hooded robe, there stood Hecate. Everyone gasped before kneeling before her. "Rise." She said. Hecate glanced at the campers.

"There is a ministry that had invited you to visit their world, as they feel they are going to having another war. They've asked for our help, and we gods have decided to send you to see of they are worthy of our help. You'll be going there in three weeks time. You have to learn to be royal and know everything about them as they think you do. I think it'd be best if you learn it this way as there is much to learn and you'll have to represent the gods as perfect and experienced people," Hecate spoke out in an enchanting tone. Her hands swiped over them as information sweeped into their minds.

Over the next few hours, they practised with Hecate. As she left, Hecate was quite sure that they would be perfect in being royals.

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