iv. we meet the order of fried chickens

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At Clawhark Palace...

Running up to them, a house elf squeaked, "Madam the order has arrived."

"Thank you Tilly, let them in." Alexandra called back.

A few moments later the sound of footsteps and voices reached their ears and the Order of the Phoenix entered the room.

"Good evening, Your highnesses. Merry met, I am Al-" Dumbledore began when Percy interrupted him.

"We know who you are, Dumbledore. We keep tabs on everything everywhere. Why don't you all take a seat so that we can start this meeting?" Hazel spoke in a harsh tone that left no room for argument.

'Who does she think she is, talking to greatest wizard of all time like that?' Hermione thought as the Order raised their eyebrows at the level of authority that this 14-year-old had.

The rest of the demigods fought to keep the smirks off their faces at how proud they all felt of Hazel at that moment. Frank placed a hand on Hazel's shoulder allowing a small smirk to show on his face.

Moody glared and slammed a fist on the table glaring at the young girl. "Do you even know who you were just talking to like that girl? You better show some respect?" He growled at her.

"I do believe that respect is a thing that is earned. And of course we know who he is Alastor Moody, do you honestly believe that our parents would send us somewhere completely blindfolded?" Thalia snapped. "And let's get one thing straight now. It isn't girl. It's princess to you."

"Well Alastor, let's all calm down and begin." Dumbledore said smoothing the tension.

"The Ministry has tried to shut down the fact that Voldem-"

"Has returned? Oh we know. Duchess Hailey informed us weeks ago. Like we said, they wouldn't send us in blind." Reyna snapped.

"Were you thinking of recruiting us to help fight your war?" Percy said as he gave Dumbledore a wolf glare.

"Not fight for us my boy but fight alongside us, but with your help-"

"To you, it is Prince Perseus." Percy snapped.

The tension in the air was so thick. The demigods looked like they were just about ready to put an end to the whole affair. Their swords were out in disguise form, being twirled through their fingers. The pipes rumbled and the storm outside was picking up even more.

Annabeth placed a hand on Percy's shoulder. "Now about the war..." A calculating look crossed her face and the stormy look in her eyes seemed to swirl.

"Royal Duke Will." Jason said. Will stood up straighter from behind Nico, Jason kept his eyes on Dumbledore and kept on talking. "Please give me a report on the status of the Hoplite Phalanx."

"Of course your Highness." Will nodded and donned a mask of solemnity. "The soldiers of the Hoplite Phalanx are all currently physically well from my assessment as of the day before we departed to England. However, the vast majority are suffering mentally with other conditions, most having PTSD, depression, anxiety or suffer from survivor guilt, especially with the younger members. While the Hoplite Phalanx are physically well we are not mentally prepared for the strains of another war."

"Thank you. Praetor Countess Reyna, Praetor Royal Duke Frank, please provide a report of the Twelfth Legion." Jason instructed.

"The health of the Legion is very much like that of the Hoplite Phalanx, the injured have been tended to and looked after from the war and are ready to fight if necessary, the Centurions of the cohorts have reported that many of the individuals are suffering from some mental health issues." Frank seemed more war-like, quite different from the gentle image they had seen of him.

"While the Legion is fully prepared to fight and help defend the Kingdom I don't recommend that we join another so soon after the end of the last one." Reyna finished.

"As Lieutenant of Grand Royal Duchess Diana's Hunters, I will say that we are effectively in the same state as the Hoplite Phalanx and the Twelfth Legion. We suffered a great loss in our numbers during the first war, which left a heavy blow in the heart of the remaining survivors. We did build up our numbers between last year and the second war but it has taken a heavy toll on my sisters." Thalia summarised.

"Royal Duchess Clarisse, what is your opinion, as the general of the Hoplite Phalanx, on us joining the cause for this war?" Percy asked.

"My honest opinion on this all?" He nodded and the daughter of Ares tapped her dagger on the table. "I get why the old man is asking us to join, I mean we do have four armies with trained troops who are skilled in combat, with or without a wand, and are prepared to kill if necessary." Her eyes darkened as she stopped playing with her dagger. "But fight in another war?" She snorted and shook her head. "Not our country, not our problem, we're only here to strengthen the relationship between our countries, not fight for or with you."

"So you're just going to leave us all to die here? What about the muggleborns in Hogwarts? Voldemort won't hesitate to kill them first." Sirius snarled raising from his seat.

"We don't want to put any of our younger troops in danger again, we have siblings we want to protect as well." Clarisse waved him off.

"How could you be so cruel and selfish? You're just gonna leave us here to fend for ourselves just to save yourselves?" Hermione seethed frustrated.

"Is she honestly calling us selfish?" Thalia asked, almost amused.

"I'm a bit confused? How is putting the safety of our people first selfish?" Jason quizzed.

"Then you'll understand that it's only the right thing-"

"We said no! We're here to see if you're all worthy of our help. Not jump to conclusions even before we started the school." Percy shouted, getting frustrated.

"Alright then, we shall be leaving now. Minerva?" Dumbledore said as McGonagall nodded and took out some Floo Powder.

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