🐢!Rise! Turtles x Reader •Run• 🐢

954 20 72


Physical Abuse


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"She won't pick up." Donnie says, staring down at his phone. "She's probably busy."

Leo groans, dragging a hand down his face. "But she's always busy, Don! She's always with her stupid boyfriend."

Raph flicks the back of his brothers head. "Leo, she's got a life too, ya know."

"Maybe we can meet her boyfriend!" Mikey exclaims happily. "Can we ask, Raph?"

"I don't know."

"Y/n's known him for almost a year. I'm sure he's fine, Raph." Leo says, suddenly very interested in the idea of meeting said boyfriend. "What could go wrong? It's a great idea."

As if on cue, you come strolling into the lair. "What's a great idea?"

"Y/n!" Mikey shouts, instantly rushing for a hug. He finally meets your eyes, as you wince, pain shooting up your leg. "We wanted to ask to meet your boyfriend. Troy, right?"

"NO!" You burst, your heart rate speeding up. "N-no, I don't think..."

Mikey tilts his head, worried at your sudden change in mood.

"He's out of town. We'll talk about it later."

That was a lie.

"Something wrong?" Donnie asks flatly.

You shake your head, forcefully plastering a smile to your face. "No. What's up with you guys?"

"Why didn't you pick up the phone?" Donnie asks with an eyebrow raised.

You chuckle innocently. "Oh uhm...I was actually gonna ask if you could..." you pull your phone out of your pocket, revealing a demolished screen. The device had almost been bent in half. "Could ya fix it, D?"

Donnie's jaw drops. "I-I, yeah. What the hell happened to your phone?"

"Lemme guess!" Leo says confidently. "You used it for a baseball."

You scoff. "What? No. I fell and smashed it between my body and the ground."

"Right." Raphael mutters, seeing your finger graze your pocket before you shove your hands inside. Something you did when you were nervous. His 'overprotective brother senses,' as he called them, were tingling.

Donnie takes the phone from you quickly. "I'll fix it, give me an hour or two." And then disappeared into his lab without a second thought.

"Y/n, let's skate! I finally want to beat you in our stunt game." Leo offers excitedly, grabbing his board along with the assumption you would agree.

"How about you go against Mikey instead." You say, biting your lip. "I'm not really in the mood for skating."

"You always want to skate." Leo says with a hint of disappointment in his voice. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah! Just not in the mood."

Leo nods slowly, worry bubbling in his chest. You'd never said no to a skate session. "What, ya scared?"

"You scared?" Troy mutters in your face, the smell of alcohol burning your nostrils. "You should be."

Upon being reminded of the beating you'd taken just an hour before you arrived in the lair, a defense anger rose within you. "Leo, I said no." You hiss, crossing your arms.

Leo was shocked to hear you snap at him, widening his eyes. Raph and Mikey were equally as surprised.

"S-sorry." You stutter, dropping your eyes to the floor. "I don't feel very good."

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