❤️🐢 (BV) Raph x Reader •Cold Shoulder• (18+)

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I'm sorry that I don't update this book too much. It's kinda had to juggle this between my two other stories!

This is a smut/lemon. It's drawn out, so you get the experience towards the end of this chapter.

I've NEVER written smut/lemon, so please let me know how it is, what I should change what I missed etc
I'm also a fucking virgin...so.

Enjoy! Xoxo


Raphael hadn't been able to pin point exactly how you made him feel. It angered him, not knowing.

You made his heart pound, his hands sweat. He felt things in his stomach, your smile and your laugh affecting him in ways he couldn't describe.

And they certainly weren't unpleasant.

And so, like any tough guy...or turtle, would, he gave you the cold shoulder. Shutting you down anytime you tried to talk to him, insulting you here and there, and avoiding you.

Nevertheless, being the outgoing and persistent person you were, you refused to give up on him.

Everyone had noticed the sudden change in relationship between you and the red clad turtle, and it confused them more than anything. Everyone but Leo, who'd been slightly confused, but more angry.

You were such a loving and happy person, and the way Raph had begun to treat you was wrong, and Leo had planned to deal with it.

"Raphael." Leo's assertive voice calls out to his brother. "Dojo. We're gonna talk."

Raph lets out a quiet, irritated growl as he followed his brother to the dojo. Leo makes sure the space is empty before looking at his brother with narrow eyes. "What's your problem with Y/n?" He asks bluntly.

"I don't know what yer talkin about." Raph grunts, folding his arms over his chest.

"Don't bullshit me. Everyone knows something's up." Leo fires back. "What. Is. The. Problem?"

"I ain't got no problem, Leo." Raph mutters. "Get your nose outa my business."

"You're being an asshole to her for no reason." Continues the turtle in blue. "You're hurting her feelings, and she's been nothing but nice."

"I ain't hurtin shit." Raph retorts. Which he'd assumed was true, because every snide remark he'd say you would brush off, and every time he'd ignore you, you'd shrug and walk away.

You were endlessly patient.

"For your sake, she hasn't let you know how it makes her feel." Leo's voice was sharp and demanding, trying to maintain his brothers attention.

This caught Raph's ear, causing him to shift his body slightly. "What are ya talkin' bout?" He grunts.

"She doesn't like how you're treating her Raph. Nobody does." Leo says, pursing his lips in a tight line. "Why the sudden change?"

It was rare that Raphael opened up to his brothers, especially Leonardo, considering how often they butt heads. Today, he would make an exception.

"She...I've been feeling kinda different around her." Raph mutters, dropping his eyes.

Leo's full attention was on his brother now, surprised that he was getting anywhere with him at all. "What do you mean?"

The turtle in red lets out an annoyed guttural noise, looking at his brother with a sharp glare. "I don't know. That's why I'm so annoyed."

"I don't know what you mean, dude." Leo sighs. "But she doesn't deserve to be treated like that."

"I know. She makes me so fuckin' nervous." Mumbles Raph. "And she makes me feel funny."

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