chapter 1- first day

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a/n: omg heyyyy!!! p.s. my first story was... kind of a flop. i really didn't like how fast it was moving and i wanted to have a slower pace book. sooo that led me to trying this out again. hi! you can call me yo' girl (fun nickname riggghhhttt?!?!) I have some plans for this book that i am excited to carry out. I am gonna do my best to keep up with it and post every monday or tuesday but i have a very tight schedule so i might have to quit :((. but we aren't there yet!! i am gonna stop yapping and start writing this book- enjoy!😁😁 ❤️
Marinette's POV:

I wake up to the sound of my alarm ringing in my ears and maman gently stroking my hair in attempts to wake me.

"5 more minutes" i groan, tired from staying up all night because- "OH MY GOSH ITS THE FIRST DAY I'M GONNA BE LATE"

"it's ok sweetheart, i set your alarm earlier so you would have more time to get ready", sabine says with a smile.

"thank you maman but i can manage on my own- i'm going into my 3rd year of high school!" sabine gives me a glance that read "sureeee" and just walks off to allow me to get ready for my first day.

it has been a long 2 weeks for me.

The move from new york was so hard- i miss all my friends deeply but it's for the best. maman and papa have always dreamed of opening their own bakery, and i've always wanted to live in paris.

the city was perfect. the food, the architecture, and most importantly the fashion!

I love designing. it's my get away from the real world. whenever i get stressed I sketch new thoughts and ideas and it somehow eases the pain.

and who is a better fashion designer then the one and only gabriel agreste? i can't believe i'm breathing the same air as him right now.

and his son~~ don't even get me started. he is sooo-

oh nugget! i'm gonna be late because i was wooing over adrien flipping agreste!! (i feel like marinette would never cuss- even in her own mind)

i quickly throw on a pair of skinny jeans and a crop top, then grab my backpack and head down the trap door trying not to trip as my feet prance down the stairs.

i'm greeted by maman and papa by the bakery, papa holding a bag of macarons and maman holding my lunch- both of them tearing up.

"maman, papa! are you okay, why are you crying?"
marinette exclaims. "we're fine sweetie, we're just so proud of you and where you are today" papa says with a sniff.

"you know i love you two" I quickly give them both a kiss on their cheek before continuing, "but i can't chat for long because i'll be late on my first day!"

"we understand honey, but don't be in such a hurry that you forget your lunch!!" sabine says holding out the bag once again.

"thank you maman, thank you papa" I say to my parents while taking the bags from them. "bye now!"

i place the two bags into my backpack as i walk out the door. looking down, I don't notice the person walking infront of me and clumsy marinette bumps into them.

"oh. my. gosh. iamsososorryididnotmeantobump intoyouitsmyfirstdayhereinparispleaseforgiveme pleaseeeeee." I start to pant slightly after letting out all of that brain vomit.

"don't be sorry, it's totally chill girl!", said a really cool sounding girl. she had gorgeous smooth dark skin and beautiful red hair that seemed to reflect the sun.

"hi im alya!", she reaches out her hand, "i think i heard you say it's your first day? i can walk you to the school!"

"yes! that sounds so fun" i reply meeting my hand with hers and shaking it. "i'm marinette"

nobody's POV:

marinette and alya quickly got to know each other better on their walk to school together. alya told marinette who's chill and who to avoid and a certain name stuck out to her.

"wait al, did you just say adrien agreste goes to OUR school?! like the adrien agreste?!! how could i ever avoid him?!" marinette suddenly thinks back to her daydreaming this morning. "just stay away from that guy. he'll fuck you up." alya warned marinette "it's for your own good. if a player and a bully and childhood trama had a baby, it would be adrien."

marinette didn't know she would be thinking about that last sentence all day.

after lots of talking with eachother as new freinds,  the school came into veiw and alya dared marinette to a race. marinette of course accepted- she never backed down from a challenge. although she probably should have backed out, not knowing what she was getting herself into.

Once the two girls started running, marinette stole a clear lead. looking back to make fun of alya, clumsy marinette didn't predict how close she was to the school.

soon her foot met with the marble stair in pain and sent marinette falling downwards.

bracing for impact with the hard concrete below her, marinette scrunched her face up like a raisin. but she never  actually made contact with it. instead a strong, and undeniably buff individual caught her in his arms.

he smelt of warm vanilla and bourbon and marinette immediately relaxed by his touch.

who is this man?...
a/n: im sorry it's short but i'm already working on the next chapter 😸😸

peace for now! ✌🏼

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