chapter 6 - andré's ice cream

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marinette's pov:

"maman! papa!! i'm home!", i exclaim as i enter the front door.

my parents come running to the entrance of the newly opened bakery. my maman gives me a sweet smile and my papa greets me with a hug.  "sweetheart your back! how was your first day?", papa asks.

"it was good.", i couldn't bare telling my parents about how horrible it was. i think i'll be embarrassed for the rest of my life.

"how was the opening of the bakery?"

"it went amazing sweetie! we met so many kind costumers. we won't be leaving paris any time soon.", maman said with a peaceful tone.

i was almost envious at their immediate success. i know i should be happy for them but i can't help but wish it went the same way for me.

maman and papa banter on about the bakery and i begin to slightly zone out. i get woken out of my trance by a ringing in my small over the shoulder bag. i check my phone to realize that it's alya calling me.

i pick up.

"hey al!"

<marinette!! are you free?">

"yeah! why what's up?"

<i was just wondering if you wanted to go on a walk to the park with me!! we can get to know each other better.>

my heart pounds with excitement- this would be my first time hanging out with a friend in paris!!

"sounds awesome! let me get changed"

<ok girl!! i'll meet you at your house in ten.>

"sounds good!"

i look up to my parents with a smile apologizing that i interrupted their conversation with me.

"it's okay honey, go have fun with your new friend."

"thank you maman! thank you papa!" i say giving each of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

i run upstairs to my small room to get changed. i decide to slip on a pink skirt and a warm, white sweater.

i look at myself in the mirror.

something's off...

i decide to take down my hair because i want to look my best for this meet up with alya.

"MARINETTEEE!! YOUR FRIEND IS HEREE!", papa yells from downstairs.


i quickly grab my shoulder bag and hurry down the stairs. once i make it down the stairs without accidentally tripping or hurting myself, i go to greet my bestfriend.

i find alya meeting my parents by the entrance of our bakery.

"marinette! how come you didn't tell us about this amazing girl that you met at school today!", maman exclaimed.

alya blushes a little and lets out a short laugh. i decide to laugh along with her.

"omg marinette!! your hair looks beautiful down!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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