chapter 4-m'lady

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adrien's pov:

"your not mad, are you? i thought adrien agreste didn't want a relationship with anyone." nino says to me teasingly

i'm not sure why but this enraged me. a vein bulged from my forehead and i slightly raised my voice

"shut up nino. i don't like marinette, you know i only do one night stands."

"your such a player, why don't you want a real relationship instead of all that fake stuff."

i'm not ready to let my guard down with someone i trust and have my heart broken again.

but that's not what i said to nino.

"just mind your own fucking business nino! "

at this point i was full on screaming. heads turned and i locked eyes with marinette. she gave me a scared look. i swear i saw tears forming as if it was directed towards her. a sudden feeling of guilt choked my body as marinette turns her head back around.

"adrien go to the principals office right now."


marinette's pov:

i don't know why im tearing up. hearing adrien speak like that frightened me. i guess i sort of had high expectations for him being a model and all.

it's kind of sad because he's been my celebrity crush ever since i was only a little girl. and his dad has been my idol ever since i got into design. hopefully his dad is a good person.

"are you okay marinette?"

luka's kind voice is reassuring to me.

"yes im fine, thank you luka" i say with a fake smile

luka is really sweet and i'm not gonna lie pretty cute. but every time i try to think about a relationship, a certain blonde comes to mind.

i just can't help but wonder if i can fix adrien.

i know, it's totally absurd but i have a weird feeling of hope with adrien.

i continue daydreaming on about adrien and without realizing it my head starts to droop. eventually my nose collides with the table and starts gushing blood.


"m-mrs. bustier?" i raise my hand shyly

"yes marine- ARE YOU BLEEDING??"

"it's just a nosebleed, may i please go to the office?"

" of course marinette, go right ahead."

i quickly get up and start my way to the office. my nose still hasn't stopped bleeding and the loss of blood is causing me to feel lightheaded and dizzy.

since it's my first day, im still a stranger to these hallways. i lost my way to the office and begin to collapse on the floor.


i recognize this familiar husky voice.

all i can manage to say is, "a-adrien"

adrien's pov:

on my way out of the principals office i spot marinette collapsing in the hallway. my instincts kick in again and i rush to go rescue her.


fuck i didn't mean for that nickname to slip out. she probably won't remember anything anyway in this condition. my gaze focuses in on her face.


i jump back in surprise to her face and hands covered in blood

"oh god, your bleeding!"

i swiftly pick her up into my arms bridal style and get a quick sense of deja vu from earlier this morning.

i can't help but think,

'damn she really weighs nothing'

my focus is redirected back into the urgent situation and i begin to run for the nurses office.

i barge into the doors and carry the weak marinette to a bed, then proceed to call a nurse over.

once i got the nurses attention, i turned to the door, ready to leave as i am stopped by a sweet quiet voice

"th-thank you"

my heart almost melts at the phrase but i shake it off. i can't let my guard down again.

"no problem m'lady" i say with a smirk

i know i shouldn't tease her, it's just too fun.

i continue my way out the room, acting like nothing just happened.

marinette's pov:

i awake to my red headed bestfriend gently shaking me awake and saying,"marinette? you awake marinette?"

"alya? where am i?"

all the memories come rushing back to me as alya explains what happened.

i can practically feel my cheeks burning up after thinking about what happened between me and adrien.

his familiar cologne scent flooded my senses the second he reached me in that hallway. his toned biceps were flexing right in-front of my eyes while he carried me to safety. he was like some sort of superhero. and the nicknames...



i folded at the thought of his words.

"marinette? hello?? did i loose you again?"

"oh sorry al, i zoned out for a minute"

"yeah girl i know!! the doctor said you're good to go, let me take you home."

"okay, thanks for looking out for me alya"

"of course!" she said with a smile

whenever i'm around alya, i feel a sense of true platonic love. i'm really glad i have someone like her to be here for me.

we grab our things and exit the small room.

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