chapter 2- lockers

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a/n: this chapter is kind of boring but i think it's important for the plot of the story. i wrote this at like 1am so bare with me if there is any grammar mistakes 😭. enjoy the story!

Adriens POV:

I just got out of the fancy car gorilla drove me to school in every morning.

i take a second to breathe in the spring morning air of paris.

it seems like an ordinary morning- I have a steaming hot coffee in my hands, nino- my bestfriend since 3rd grade- is waiting for me at the top of the stairs, and there was a random ravenette stupidly running straight towards the staircase.

wait that's not very ordinary...

i quickly take notice that she was doing some race with alya - of course alya was involved in this.

soon i see the girl i'm still unfamiliar with's foot collide with the bottom step. by reflex, i throw the coffee on the floor and my body thrusts itself forward, catching the surprisingly pretty girl in my arms.

and by pretty i mean beautiful.

i couldn't help but to let out a snort as i saw her cute little scrunched up face that obviously showed she was mentally prepared to collide with the ground. and boy is she cute.

what the fuck. now is not the time, adrien, i think to myself.

my eyes trail all over her body, until they finally flicker back up to her face that was flushed in redness.

i give her a quick smirk, showing i have an idea. i plop her back on the ground, and step over her to get to the stairs. i don't even think to help her up, instead i begin to travel up the never ending steps to meet nino at the top.

"you owe me a coffee!!" i say with a grin as i carry on up the stairs.

Marinettes POV:
I felt the blood rush to my cheeks the minute he caught me. i knew i must've been dreaming. all i could think of was proving to alya that adrien actually was a decent person because he saved me from falling.

that was a lie. i was also totally thinking about how i was so flustered by being held by my dream man.

my eyes flutter down to his tight shirt, hugging his toned abs. his enchanting green eyes looked at me, scanning my face.

he gives me a smirk- that doesn't make it look like he's up to any good.

what the heck

my back collides with the ground. i see his shoe cross over my body, and travel up the stairs.

"you owe me a coffee"

did he seriously just drop me... and step over me?!?!

i feel subtle tears forming at my eyes but i held them back best as i could. i couldn't make a fool out of myself- not today, and not for him.

alya finally catches up and helps me get to my feet. she gives me a quick hug and tells
me not to feel down. i flash a smile at her- yet i know she can tell i'm still not happy.

"it's ok girl, he does that to everyone. you'll get used to it soon!" alya says reassuringly

it's like we are already best-friends- and i love it

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