chapter 3- paper ball

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a/n: sorry it's been quite a while, i have been super busy but i recently wanted to continue this story. enjoy!

no one's pov:

after attempting to confront marinette at the lockers, adrien heads down the hallway in defeat. he waits patiently until after nino finishes talking to marinette and alya before joining him on his way to class.

adriens pov:

"you have to ask out that alya girl, nino." i say while nudging his shoulder

"i know, i know, i'm going to i'm just... not ready yet bro. we are have a really good friendship and i don't want to mess it up dude."

"if by friendship you mean fucking buddies then sure, but she's definitely into you."

nino try's to cover up his smile, ignoring the beginning of my sentence. as i continue to tease him.

after this, we say goodbye and go our separate ways for 2nd period.

the rest of the day is a blur.

i don't remember anything i learned in class because i couldn't stop thinking about that one girl.


it's such a fitting name. so soft, and so beautiful

her name wasn't the only thing stuck in my head all day. i couldn't help but think about her sweet features. her skin felt like an actual cloud. her scent of pastries and sweetness lured me in. the sparkle in her clear blue eyes excited me. her lips were a soft enchanting pink. her silky hair rested perfectly on her petite shoulders, and holy jesus don't even get me started on her body.

she was perfect.

i've tried to stop thinking about her. everyone and their mother knows i don't do relationships. the only reason i talk to girls is to try and get them in my bed. I can sleep with any girl i want in the blink of an eye.

so why should i change for marinette?

suddenly i'm leaving 6th period (the second to last period) and headed back to my locker.

i'm not sure if marinette noticed that my locker is right next to hers...

why can't i stop thinking about her!!!

my head falls into my hands as i carry on to my last period.

finally, a new thought enters my head: going home.

i hate it at home. ever since mother died, father has full on closed himself off from anyone trying to help him. he has become a solitary man who mostly avoids his own son, me. we rarely talk and when we do, it almost always ends in him hitting me.

i am knocked out of my own thought process by a crumpled up peice of paper hitting my shoulder.

i glance around scanning for the culprit and my eye catches the paper ball on the floor. i notice it has writing in it so i curiously pick it up to read it's contents.


i'll get you your coffee once you apologize.


I smile slightly, knowing exactly who sent this. my smile soon turns into a quick snort of disbelief.

adrien agreste doesn't apologize to anyone

i throw the beaten up paper in a nearby garbage can, and cary on my way to 7th period.

marinette's pov

"I wonder what adrien will think of my note alya." i exclaim as i proceed down the hallway with her

"i don't know mari, we'll just have to wait it out. now enough about adrien, let's go to our last period!"

i glance at my schedule

"we have english last! that's my favorite subject!"

"no way, mine too!"

i look at alya with a smile and she grabs my hand and drags me through the hallways.

"mari, i have to warn you though, adrien is in this class."

i think about how close he had been earlier and i practically loose my breath. i start panting like crazy and my face goes red with embarrassment.

was he really that close?

"girl are you okay??"

"yeah thanks al, i can do this"

"ok good! now lets go before we're late!"

we pick up the pace and finally arrive in the classroom.

it's a cozy classroom set up in rows. there's fairy lights hanging all over the ceiling and fake plants scattered throughout the room.

alya goes to her assigned seat as i head towards the front to greet the teacher.

"hi, i'm marinette! i'm from new york and today is my first day."

"it's very nice to meet you marinette! i'm mrs. bustier, your new english teacher! i have heard very nice things about you and i'm very excited to have you in my class! you can have a seat next to luka in the front."

"okay thank you!"

luka is a very interesting name, i wonder what he's like!

my eyes trail around the classroom looking for the empty seat. i find it and start making my way to my seat.

i take a seat and turn to face the guy that must be named luka. he has dyed blue hair and black roots, a defined jaw, and a guitar pick necklace. he's dressed in black cargos and a jagged stone band tee.

"hi, i'm marinette, you must be luka!"

"i am luka, sick name marinette. nice to meet you!"

he seems very friendly.

adrien's pov:

luka couffaine. my only competition since 6th grade. i hate him with my guts.

a wave of jealousy runs over me as i see him talk to marinette.

why do i care so much? it's not like i own marinette, i haven't even known her for longer than a day?

alya notices me staring and gives me a look that reads "back the fuck off player" so i decide to turn and talk to nino.


a/n: ok that's all for chapter threeeee!! sorry it's been a pretty boring chapter but i'm just trying to build the plot. i have a lot in store so just bare with me 😂

peace out ✌🏼

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