chapter 5- truth behind adrien

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a/n: there is abuse in this chapter, so if you are sensitive to that sort of content, i will warn you when it starts and ends.

adrien's pov:

i make my way to the lavish car gorilla picks me up in everyday and the back door open automatically for me to sit down on the soft and inviting leather seats. gorilla gives me a quick look through the rear view mirror to make sure i'm all in one peice. then, he proceeds to cautiously pull out of the school and follow the usual way home.

although i don't show this often, im really glad that father hired gorilla to be my body guard. i never fail to feel protected while i am under his watch.

plus, gorilla isn't as tough as he seem. i mean yeah, he can beat up any guy in an instant but he also has a nice heart underneath all the tough looks. i can tell he really cares about me and my father.

gorilla takes a second peak at me through the mirror and we make eye contact for a split second. he can tell something is wrong. it's like he somehow knows that i'm afraid of coming home. at a red light, he turns to face me and shows a sorrowful look followed by a quick grunt.

i felt a little better but gorilla'a kind gesture was only a bandaid on a deep gash.

My relationship with my father so negative that i accidentally ended up following in his footsteps and slightly closing myself off.

the truth is, i don't date girls because i don't know if i could handle ever having to loose anyone close to me again. after my mother died i haven't been able to make any new relationships with anyone. i have been hiding my depression from the world with makeup and fake smiles.

if i attempted a real relationship, i would end up hurting myself or hurting the other person. i have decided to keep relationships to strictly only having sex.




it's safer that way.

but ever since i've met marinette, a pain inside me seemed to sloth at her touch. the way she looks up at me with those doe eyes, i don't think she even realizes how seductive she is. she is completely unaware of what she does to me.

my mind trails on about marinette and i suddenly remember the chain of events that happened earlier today. i would be lying if i said i didn't blush a bit after hearing how she intimately calls my name.

and then, the nicknames. i know, i know, i shouldn't be teasing her with the pet names but it's just so fun to watch her slightly freckled cheeks get painted with blush and to see her squirm. I wonder how sensitive her body would be to the other things i want to do to her...

i'm so sexually attracted to her it feels like she is some sort of magnet pulling me in, but for some reason, every time i think about having sex with her, i wince at the thought of being rough. i want to go slow and make sure i feel every part of her. i want to watch her fall victim to the spell of my touch and i want to hear her exclamations of enjoyment.

this is a very uncommon feeling for me so i just try to shake it off for now.

soon, we pull into the familiar driveway of the agreste mansion. gorilla opens the door, motioning for me to exit the vehicle. i hop out, mentally preparing myself for what's about to go down.

gorilla guided me up the carved limestone steps leading to the entrance of the mansion. father is just standing there waiting for my arrival



"adrien", he speaks with a cold voice, "why did i hear about you raising your voice in class? i hope you fucking understand that if this gets out, it will look very bad on my reputation. get your dumbass over here so i can knock some fucking sense into you." father doesn't even look at me while he speaks with such cruelty.

i feel myself begin to tear up, but crying is a sign of weakness to me father so u thickly suck it up and make my way over to where my agitated father is standing.

i brace myself for impact as he backhands my head and proceeds to punch me in the gut. i hold back my agonizing screams and cries for help for later, when i am in the safety of my room.

"if you repeat this behavior, i'll have to punish you once more. understood adrien?"

"yes, father"




"good. nathalie, escort adrien to his room."

"right away sir."

nathalie has been my fathers assistant for many years now. she has watched me grow up and she is the closest thing to a mother i have.

she begins to apologize but i quickly cut her off saying, "thank you nathalie, it's not your duty to take care of me. i will be fine."

she gives me a firm hug, then puts her hand on my shoulder. with a sad smile she says, "adrien, you have grown so much"

we reach my room and she walks off with her tablet to go assist my cruel father.

i slump into my bed thinking over everything that just happened. i feel like i'm being suffocated and i'm struggling to breathe, so, i take off my hoodie and my shirt. this reveals the bruise quickly forming on my lower abdomen due to my fathers blow.

i throw my head inside my hands and begin to cry.

i suddenly realize that i haven't apologized to nino yet. i shakily pull out my phone and send him a text

ADRIEN: i'm sorry 4 freaking out at u today

NINO: it's all good dudeee! hope ur not in too much trouble.

ADRIEN: nah, i js have detention for 2 weeks.

NINO: damnnn that sucks! sorry bro

ADRIEN: all good. see u at school tomorrow!!

NINO: seeyaaa!!

i shut off my phone and set it on my nightstand. My black cat, plagg, hops up on my bed and cuddles up beside me. i place my hand in between his ears and give him a few light scratches causing him to start purring lightly. i soon drift off to sleep, comforted by the warm fur ball laying beside me.

a/n: this chapter is so fricking sad 😾😾 but it had to be made so y'all can see why adrien is so closed off. poor adriennn

word count: 1116

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