Chapter 14 "True friends"

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" A friend is one soul abiding in two bodies." — Aristotle.

Josephine couldn't believe her eyes

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Josephine couldn't believe her eyes. Hvitserek tried to make her laugh and he failed miserably. She was worried for him because currently he has been hanging from a tree for at least half an hour.
"My prince what are you doing there?"
Voice behind her asked and Josephine turned around scared.
It was one of Ivar's guards.
"None of your business Valter. What do you want?"
"King would like all citizen of Kattegat attend a meeting in a courtyard in front of the great hall."
"I'm not a citizen."
"I know Princess but he would like you to show up as well."
"All right we will come when?"
Hvitserek sounded irritated.
"In an hour."
"We will be there."
With a bow the guard left and young man made his way back from a tree.
"Did I make you smile?"
"Not at all. You made me worried that you will fall and crack your skull."
"I'm a warrior we don't die that way."
"You might be but you're stupid."
"Ha ha ha funny princess. Shall we slowly make our way to see what my little brother wants?"
"We shall my prince."
"All people of Kattegat, it is my honour and pleasure as your king to inform you that I found my one and true soulmate..."
Josephine hold her breath. She had a terrible feeling about this.
"Our meeting was brief but I know she's the one Gods themselves set for me. My loyal subjects please meet Fredyis. My future wife and your future queen."
At that a blonde woman stood next to Ivar's side.
The girl's knees almost gave up on her and Hvitserek had to support her in case she would fall.
"I'm going to kill that bastard."
He said under his breath making sure no one but Josephine heard him.
"Our wedding will take place during next full moon."
With that Ivar left, smug looking Fredyis walked behind him.
"Hvitserek please can I stay in your house tonight?"
"You can stay as long as you like. Come let me help you walk."
Hvitserek's POV
I stormed inside Ivar's chamber. Luckily for me he was alone, that whore nowhere to be seen.
"Are you out of your fucking mind?"
"What do you mean?"
"Don't pretend you're an idiot brother. I just put Josephine to sleep because she has been crying. You proposed to her, not even a week ago and now you claim to wed another?"
"Ah so that's what is all about."
"Do you know anything about Fredys?"
"That she's a seer."
"You have proof of that?"
"Her words are enough besides she says I'm chose by gods and she will give me a son."
"Gods will."
I rolled my eyes at him.
"For a man who mocks Christian's you sure not better. How dare you treat someone the way you did with Josephine?!"
"You know what brother you annoy me what life choices I make, is none of your business. Besides it's not unknown for us to have more than one wife. After Fredys gives me son I'll marry Josephine."
"She's not a thing that you can take and then put it in the corner. She's human."
"Brother give me a favour and get out of my face."
"You do me a favour and do what I know you wanted to do. You are all alone Ivar. Bjorn hates you, Ubbe is disgusted with you, you killed Siguard because he told you the truth and father only used you for his purposes. No one cares about you anymore, you got rid off one person who actually loved you. Why? Because some whore told you, gods have chosen you? You are pathetic."
I could see the anger raising within him. He stopped himself from grabbing a dagger.
"I banish you."
"I'm banishing you Hvitserek Ragnarsson from Kattegat and all Norway. I don't want to see you. Even after your death, I won't meet you in Valhalla."
"Good. I don't even go to Valhalla. Hope to never see you again."
With that I left. France. Thats where I knew I can go.
She was awaken by Hvitserek.
"Come Josephine we have to go."
"Hvitserek is everything alright?"
The girl asked. Her voice full of sleep.
"Ivar banished me from Kattegat. I have to leave before tomorrow's sunset. I'm going to France are you going with me?"
Home. She thought. Home.
"Yes there's no future for me here."
He smiled softly at her.
"Thank you. I gathered a couple of loyal men. Quickly before he wakes."
Taking some of her lighter clothes, Josephine was ready to leave quicker than Hvitserek.
He quickly grabbed small statue of Buddha and they left.
The ship was already waiting. Three men in it.
Loyal men but to whom? She wondered.
It didn't matter. What Josephine knew that in exactly two sunrises she will be home. In the safe arms of her sister.
A pair of blue eyes observed them from a small hill.
A single tear falling down his chin.
That was the end then.
Author's note:
Chapter not edited.

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