Chapter 17 "Change of power"

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"You were born a child of light's wonderful secret— you return to the beauty you have always been."

Black soil, black coffin, black clothes

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Black soil, black coffin, black clothes. Everything was black and dark and sad.
Hvitserek couldn't believe you were no more.
Giselle needed a lot of calming herbs to show up at her sister's funeral.
Gods if only he could convince them to burn the body so she could really be free.
It wasn't Christian tradition so he kept quiet.
Bebe was left with milkmaid.
Rollo making sure, she had a father figure when Hvitserek was mourning.
Death, how easily it came and how wicked it was.
That night he got drunk. For the first time in three years. He got wasted, even more than he did after Siguard died. Hvitserek wanted nothing but to end his own misery now and there but a small cry of a child of mere three days, stopped him.
Slowly and carefully, not to drop her, he hugged her and promised to never touch alcohol again. For her sake and her mother's.
Then Mary opened her brown eyes and he knew he will protect her with all his life.

Two years later
"Dad wake up, wake up, northerners are coming!"
Mary's voice echoed in Hvitserek's head.
When he realised what was she saying, he stood up from his bed quickly.
"What's going on?"
"I heard uncle Rollo telling this to councilmen. Dad are we in danger?"
Her big brown eyes looked into his.
The only thing she got from Josephine. Of course her eyes and health.
Rest, well she looked like his brother.
He hoped she won't go crazy like he did and that she will grow up to be a gentle, human being the same way Mary's mother was.
"No darling there's nothing to worry about. You go to sleep and I'll go talk to the uncle."
"I'm too scared to sleep."
"Come here darling."
He took her in his hands and with her, hugging his neck, Hvitserek left his chamber.
After Josephine took her last breath, devastated Giselle, took pity on her bastard daughter and her husband and allowed them to stay in Paris.
Mary will be given an education worth, Frankish lady, she will probably marry some lord and even though her life might not be the happiest, at least she will be safe from battles and harsh life of a Viking women.
Hvitserek kept his promise. He will be looking after their daughter till he will take his last breath.
"Uncle is that true?"
What once was a head full of black hair, it had stains of grey.
"It's true but what I've heard is that they are not armed."
"Do you think it's him?"
"No. He would come to attack not to make a peace treaty."
"Then who?"
"Hvitserek, I'll take Mary. You shouldn't discuss staff like that in front of her."
Out of nowhere, Giselle came out and took his daughter from him.
Mary waved and blow a kiss to Hvitserek from her arms.
"Daddy be safe."
"I will."
One of the guards approached Rollo and whispered something into his ear.
"Bjorn is here."
Thank the gods.
His brother was alive.
Two brothers embraced themselves.
"I thought I'll never see you again."
Bjorn couldn't describe his feelings. At last he had his two trusted brothers with him.
They all could cry from happiness.
"Let's discuss all of this inside. Dinner is going to be soon served."
The dinner was awkward. Really awkward.
Giselle and her children were sending daggers into the direction of Bjorn and Ubbe.
Mary looked more curious.
"So tell me what brings you here?"
Rollo broke uncomfortable silence.
"Ivar is dead. I killed him myself."
Bjorn let out.
It was like a stone falling into his stomach.
So Mary was really an orphan now.
"So you are the king now?"
"Yes. King of all Norway."
"Whole country is my now, that's why I'm here. Uncle, brother. I've heard that Ivar was supposed to make some trade routes with France that never worked out. Can we go back to it?"
"What will be in there for us? Your brother did us wrong and you want to do it again?"
"Please think about it."
"We will see. Children let's go. Girls you go with me for your lessons, William is time for your sparing lesson."
"Yes mother."
The boy of age ten and four, stood up and followed his mother.
One small girl stayed.
Giselle's voice was stern.
"But auntie I want to look at the northmen."
"Mary please follow your aunt."
"Alright daddy."
At that both Ubbe and Hvitserek looked surprised.
He looked at them with 'I'll tell you later' look.
When the heavy oak doors closed behind them, both brothers looked at Hvitserek, waiting for an explanation.
He couldn't tell them whose daughter she really was.
"Giselle had a sister. Josephine, we got married and she died in childbirth."
"We are sorry to hear that. Is that why you left Kattegat?"
"Yes I couldn't marry a Christian woman in Norway."
"You a Christian now?"
"As Christian as uncle is."
Hvitserek send a knowing look towards Rollo.
Everyone knew, Rollo wasn't a Christian man.
"About your proposition... we will think about it. My wife is a tough person to convince however."
"That alright uncle. We will await your massenger."
"You can stay as long as you like."
"I can't I have country to rule but Ubbe."
"I don't mind staying. I need to meet my niece."
Mary grew up to be a beautiful girl. Being exactly the same as her mother.
When the time was right, she married young lord and bore him five children.
Hvitserek died on an old age in Paris, with Mary's hand in his.
Buried in Christian style, his tomb was forgotten after his last grandchild took her last breath.
Mary's offspring's were on the throne of Scandinavian countries long after she was gone.
Ivar's wish became true.
His blood ended on the throne of Norway after Bjorn's grandchildren were killed by Christian or converted.
Mary's great granddaughter married Norwegian king, putting the ancient blood on the throne.
Nowadays history have no idea about existence of Josephine or her daughter. People think of them as legends.
Memory of them died with the last Viking.
Their ideas however, are known to this day.
Especially the trade routes between France and Norway.
That one night, on the fifteenth of June, the star of two lovers shined brightly in the sky.
One astronomer looked at it in awe.
"Here we go again."
He whispered into the night sky.
The same night in two hospitals, one in Paris and other in Norway, two children were born. A boy and a girl.

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