Chapter 3 "When Northmen are coming"

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"Wake from death and return to life."


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The days were passing by and Josephine tried to get used to living in a literal hell

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The days were passing by and Josephine tried to get used to living in a literal hell. She hated the castle, the people and the control catholic priests had over every single decision that was made over the region her sister and her husband were ruling over. The one and the only thing that was making her really uncomfortable was the fact that she had an older sister. Growing up as an only child with divorced parents, which neither of them gave a fuck about her, she was surprised that someone was taking care of her.
However, no matter how hard she tried to get back to her "times", Josephine couldn't do it. Once she almost had a priest perform an exorcism on her because her sister thought she wanted to commit suicide, which is "the biggest sin". The girl had to get used to the life she had now. There was no coming back. The only positive thing were William,Garloc,Adele and Charles. Her "sisters" children. Josephine grew to love those kids even though she knew them for a few days and to her unknowing Gisela was surprised and wary about the change her younger sister overcome.
This morning something felt strange. Josephine had this feeling deep down her stomach. Like something is going to happen. Something she knew is going to have an effect on her life.
The girl was in the middle of sewing, which was boring for her and a tragedy for her sewing teacher because Josephine couldn't do it.
"Josephine, what happened? You used to have the most beautiful symbols done by sewing now you can't even do the simple pattern. Is it the accident? Do you want more break?"
The old woman asked. Josephine was about to answer her questions when there was a knock on the door.
"come in"
Said the girl.
A Knight came into the room and said.
"My lady, your sister wants to speak to you so she invited you for a walk in the gardens. She expects you to be there around noon."
"Thank you, sir. Please tell my sister that I will be there. You are dismissed."
The knight left the room and the old lady said.
"I believe I should call your servant my lady you need to get ready for a walk on this cold day, let us finish the lesson the other day."
Josephine could only nod her head. The woman left her "room" to call her servant. Dear God, it sounds weird to have someone dressing you and making your bed. When she was younger she was dreaming of being a princess but now she doesn't want to be one. All the responsibility that came with being one. Being princess was hard but being one in medieval ages was even harder.
The storm of her thoughts was stopped when her servants came to her room. Oh, wait to her bedchambers. Josephine needed to get ready for a walk.
The winter sun was rising high but wasn't warming the cold ground enough. Josephine was wearing the "most comfortable and warm gown she owned" according to her servant, Charlotte. The only person she grew to like in this hell hole. The servant girl was petite with long ginger hair and green eyes. She was pretty. If Charlotte would've been from the 21st century, she would have a line of admirers but sadly, she wasn't from there.
While walking on a frozen ground Josephine was wondering what her parents are doing. Do they know she's missing? What is happening to her in her times? Was she dead and this is some kind of alternative reality?
She had to stop the cloud of thoughts because she saw Gisela approach her.
"Darling sister thank you for coming. Leave us"
She said to the servants.
"Let us take a stroll in the gardens. I know the weather might not be the best but we have to endure it for few more weeks."
She took Josephine's hand and both of them started walking in, unknown for Josephine, direction.
"Sister, why did you wanted to talk to me?"
Josephine asked and Gisela took a small breath.
"You changed. For good. Before you hated being around my kids. You hated being around my husband. You haven't believed him when he said he believes in our God. Josephine, I don't know what is it that made you be this way. Maybe it was the accident. Maybe this accident happened because of the Lord who wanted this to happen. However, I'm happy that you become this person you are now. But the way you act sometimes is like you are not yourself like somebody else entered your body. This person is better and more human than you were before."
"What kind of a person I was before? I still don't remember much."
"Dearest God you were terrible. You thought that you were the centre of everything. You were disrespectful to servants, to our father, to me and mostly to Rollo. You hated him and the fact that he is still a Northman. Most days however you were spending in a church. You were praying I don't know who you were praying for but I think this person must've been important to you. I prayed also but for you."
"Y-you prayed for me?"
Josephine asked shocked. Nobody ever prayed for her.
"Yes and I think that the Lord granted my wish. I wanted for you to become a better person. Someone much more gentle and kinder and you did. I promised our mother on her deathbed to become a second mother to you and I was failing but I'm not anymore."
"Our mother?"
"Yes, she would be so proud to see your change. From a little rebellious princess, you became a real lady. Something she always wanted you to be, however, you might not remember her. You were barely five years old when she passed away."
Josephine's eyesight became blurry from the tears in her eyes. "I actually had a mother who cared for me. I have a family who wants me to be better"
"But lets us not be worried about past because it won't repeat. Shall we go indoors for a warm dinner?"
Gisela asked but Josephine instead of agreeing wrapped her hands around her body and hugged, shocked princess.
"Thank you for everything dear sister. I love you and i appreciate everything you've done for me."
Said Josephine on the verge of tears. Gisela hugged her back and also started crying.
"Dear sister you have no idea how much of joy those words bring me. I love you too. You are my baby sister after all."
Both of them hugged and cried until a knight, that Josephine recognised from before, interrupted them.
"My lady's, Duke Rollo is asking for both of your presence. You have visitors from Norway."
Gisela stopped hugging and Josephine could swear she saw anger and disgust in her eyes but Gisela instead of anger allowed her most sweetest voice to reach knight's ears.
"Alright then. We will be there soon."
The knight bowed and left them.
"Who's coming from Norway?"
"Probably Rollo's nephews. They want something and it's probably nothing good. Let us go and greet them." Gisela said and the girl knew she was angry and probably is faking happiness.
And when Josephine saw the big and scary men in front of her, later the same day she knew that trouble was coming.

I promised Hvitserek in this chapter, however, it would be too long but our boy has a huge part in another chapter.

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