Chapter 18 "The end is the beginning

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"Finally what good is reincarnation if you can't remember all of your past lives?"
Mwanandale Kindembo

"Finally what good is reincarnation if you can't remember all of your past lives?" Mwanandale Kindembo

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Modern time:
Josephine woke up with sweat around her neck.
Weird dreams were stalking her mind since she woke up from the coma.
Dreams of a man in a chariot, vikings and betrayal.
She didn't know what to make of them.
Maybe it was just a side effect of clinical death.
There was no point in overthinking them.
With that in mind, Josephine went back to sleep.
"Remember that tomorrow there's school trip to the museum. Please dress appropriate and remember to be at school before eight, fifteen. Have a lovely rest of the day."
Miss Darron's voice echoed in her head.
She couldn't care less about some stupid trip.
Only thing Josephine wanted is to sit at home in peace and read a book.
Since she woke up from her coma, people at school looked at her weirdly. Like she was some bizarre experiment.
That's how Josephine spent her days, survive the school, go home, do her homework and repeat.
That day at the lake, her whole life collapsed to the ground.
Right now however, she tried to make her way to local library.
In dire need of reading something more exciting than maths workbook.
Josephine's favourite place smelled of old books, dust and weirdly enough mold.
Taking a deep breath, she went straight to the fantasty section.
The teen girl, didn't even notice someone took interest in her.
He wasn't brave enough to go and talk to her.
The only thing he could do is watch the pretty girl, that he has seen before.
Somewhere in far away dream.
Some distant memory of her playing in his mind.
Who was she?
Why did he felt like he knew her?
Is she going to be a part of his life?
Time would tell.
She tried to google all the events that took place in her dream.
Josephine even searched for disabled man on a chariot and nothing came up. However, it was suggested to her 'disabled Vikings." So she clicked on it.
"Ivar the boneless was a Viking leader who invaded..."
It sounded familiar. Then she googled Giselle and Rollo but couldn't find any searches for her name, well that's not surprising since according to researches Giselle never existed.
"Okay it's just a dream I had about some historical figures. I'm fine it never happened is just my imagination."
"What are you reading about?"
Someone's voice pulled her out of her thinking.
"Jesus you scared me."
Danielle her cousin, just smiled at her.
"You welcome so what are you reading about?"
"I've been having weird dreams since I woke up. About some guy on a chariot and Vikings."
"Girl you almost drowned, died for a minute and then came back to life. I'm not surprised you have weird dreams."
Josephine should give up on searching but why was she feeling this longing inside her heart?
'Vikings invasion of Europe' that was the name of the exposition in the museum.
Couldn't be more ironic for her.
Not only Vikings were in her dreams they were here in real life.
The whole school trip, divided each other and the teacher told them to meet her at three o'clock near the fountain.
Josephine was left by herself.
She was glad for that.
The girl could explore the artefacts by herself.
All of the exponents were boring her, because for how long can one see some old spades.
It wasn't until some drawing took her attention.
For early medieval Europe it was slightly damaged but it showed a man on a chariot.
"Alright is not a coincidence Ivar the boneless was a famous Viking of course there are artefacts showing him."
Josephine had to make herself feel better about it.
However, one of the things inside made her almost drop to her knees.?
The hairpin.
The same one from her dreams.
"It can't be."
A plate said 'golden hairpin found near the coast of Norway. It was buried in an unnamed and in a grave without runs. Date unknown.'
He died and people forgot about his grave.
All the memories of her past life flashed through her eyes.
Josephine could feel that she's going to faint in a second.
Then in the time of the fall someone caught her.
Her brown eyes met her deep blue ones and somehow she knew who he was.
"I am so sorry."
Josephine said quickly to a stranger.
"That's alright. Be careful next time, are you alright? You look pale."
"Yes I'm fine just felt a bit faint that's it."
"There's a cafe at the end of this corridor. Come sit down and I'll buy you water."
"That's not needed I'm feeling fine."
"I insist."
"Okay if you insist..."

The End

Epilogue is coming tomorrow

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