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After Pope and cleo get us all food and we are all on the boat sat I walk up from the downstairs and see Pope point at kenzie before making a heart with his hands. I shake my head and he nods his head towards her. I give in and look at the girl who is lying on her back across some seats and looking up at the night sky. I walk towards her and sit beside where shes lying. "The sky is so pretty at night" she says and I hum in agreement. She points up at the sky. "My dad's up there somewhere, my mom told me to always look up at the stars, since on of them is him and he will be looking down back at me" she says turning on her side to face me. "What happened to him?" I ask. "Brain tumor, he died when i was 9" she responds. "I'm sorry" I say. "Don't be" she replies. By now everyone is going back downstairs to find warmth to sleep in.

"Have fun guys" pope says nudging me as he's the last one to go down "keep it pg" he say and me and kenzie both shake our heads. "Shut up pope" kenzie says hiding her rosy cheeks by covering her face. "You and cleo huh" I say and Pope goes red making kenzie burst out laughing. "Tell Sarah ill be down in a sec, I asked her to braid my hair, eww it's so knotty" she says brushing her hand through her hair. "Will do, night guys" Pope says and we say night back.

Kenzie sits up "I'll see you in the morning j" she says as we both stand up. She reaches up on her tiptoes and grabs my face before kissing my cheek. "Night kenzie, sweet dreams" I say as she walks downstairs, I sit on the side for a it before heading down myself.

Kenzie pov

When we all get back to the obx, we all walk with kie to her house then pope and cleo to their house, till its just me and jj. "Are you gonna go home or lay low" he asks me. "I'll go, steal some clothes, see how my mom is" I reply and he nods. "Well, if you need me, I'll be at John b's place" jj says and I nod.

I engulf him in a tight hug. "Thanks j, I appreciate it" I say "well wish me luck" I add pulling away from him. He waves bye and I make my way towards figure 8 to my house, god I've not been here for so long and it hasn't changed one bit. I enter my house to see my mum and step dad surrounded by cans of beer on the sofa. "Mom omg" I say running up to her and hugging her. "I've missed you so much" I say and she pushes me off her.

"What are you doing back here" she says in my face and I smell the alcohol breath. "Mom I'm home, didn't you miss me" I ask standing up and backing away abit. "This isn't your home anymore mackenzie, you can't just run out on us and come back a year later as if nothing happened" she says as her and my step dad stand up.

"Get outta here kid, listen to your mom" my step dad Barry shouts. "Mom" I turn to look at her. "I'm still your daughter" I say. "No daughter of mine would walk out on us" she says and my heart shatters. Is that what she really thinks happened. I turn to Barry and shout at him. "You son of a bitch!" I shout and he slaps me across the face as I yelp in pain  "mom he's lying to you, I didn't just walk out, he left me, on an island" I shout.

"Do you think im stupid mackenzie, an island, really, and dont speak to your father that way" she says. "He's not my father, he's just a lying piece of shit" I shout and he punches me till I fall over. I run upstairs crying and pack up loads of clothes and makeup in a backpack then run out of the house. I can't go to John bs house looking like this, there's bruises all over my face. I find a small portapotty nearby and find a mirror and some concealer in my bag to cover the bruises.

On my walk around the island I stumble into Sarah. "Hey Sarah" I say. " Hey kenzie, uh guess what, the cross is coming to Wilmington tommorow night, we have a chance to get it back" she says and I smile. "Awesome, does everyone else know about this?" I ask and she nods. "Kies gone to tell jj and I'm on my way to tell pope and cleo, wanna come with?" She asks and I nod. After we tell pope and cleo, we all go home and I sleep at Sarah's place with her before we meet up at the chateau in the morning.

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