Canary call

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My gaze, once transfixed on the burning of a ranch, focused on a canary bird in the sky. Its golden feathers appealed to me... I must catch it. Standing to my feet, I followed the canary bird.

Its flight through the air was graceful as though a dance. After a while I started to imitate it, spreading my arms out like wings. One graceful swoop here, one graceful rise there.

You know after that I'd say we became a great team. We climbed mountains and traversed valleys, not the deadly kind. Inseparable we are I can tell you.

But one day there was a flower field.

For the first time there were... people in the scenery. Well, only two people. One with blue hair and blue eyes, conventionally pretty. The other... I couldn't quite see. They were making flower crowns and a whistling a tune. Quite cute.

Till an arrow came flying and shot the blurry figure in the head. The bluette held them in his arms, tears rolling down his cheeks. "That's so sad" I mumbled. My canary friend had already resumed its flight seemingly unphased by sight.

"Hey wait up!!"

We crossed through plains, journeyed through the jungles and wandered through the caves, once again not the deadly kind. And we climbed mountains and traversed the valleys... again. But we crossed jungles and journeyed through caves... And we...

Reached the sea.

My canary friend flew off without me, over the sea. "Hey wait!!! I can't cross the ocean!!" I called out. My 'friend' didn't turn back, he kept going. "Stop following him". The bluette from quite a while ago was suddenly next to me.

"He doesn't care, he'll just keep going". I opened my mouth to protest but nothing came out. Returning my gaze to the canary flying off into the distance, I watched until he became a small golden dot.

"But our friendship..." I croaked. "It's over, go home".


"Tango... Tango". Soft light crept through the leaves of the oak tree illuminating Jimmy's face in a warm glow. "Tango dear, you were muttering in your sleep" he said, the concern clear in his voice. "I was thinking about you" I lied. That dream could have been about anything.

"Just wanted to make sure you're okay". "I'm fine" I lied again. Not wanting to continue the conversation, I buried my face in the crook of his neck. "You going to sleep again?" he teased. "Mhm". "Well good night sleepy head".

As hard I tried, I couldn't sleep again. After a while I heard Jimmy softly snoring. I looked over his shoulder and into the woods. Scott is there at the edge of the flora, glaring daggers into my soul. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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