meeting the new vks

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Y/ns pov

I was told I'd be going to aoradon high school

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I was told I'd be going to aoradon high school. Dude what? I don't know. I don't care.

I looked outside to see a limoo. I walked outside with my bags "stay safe, y/n" my father, Hades watched me from the door of our small dungeon type home. "I will dad" I heard a high pitch squeal "oh my god n/nnnn!" My best friend, kai, the child of the queen of hearts. They are non- binary. "I know right!!" I smiled and hugged them "ready?" We put our stuff in the car and got into it. I looked around to see it was just us. "I guess we're special" I smiled and we ate candy in the way to aoradon.

We finally arrived in aoradon and the limoo stopped. Kai got out before me but when I stepped out. I was blinded by color "god it's fucking bright out here" I scoffed running my hand through my hair "n/n, language" kai looked down at me "I'm sorry" I half smiled "welcome to aoradon high!" A very loud guy spoke, I'm guessing he's Ben. A shorter girl with purple hair smiled at us "I'm happy we could give you the same chance we got" she spoke "I'm Ben and this is my girlfriend mal" "ohhhh you're a vk" I tilted my head "yes technically" she smiled and a few other people stepped forward "we are the rest of the old vks" a girl with blue hair spoke "oh nice, names?" I crossed my arms "yeaaa we didn't follow the story, we didn't think we'd get the chance to be here" kai nodded "ok well as you know mal and Ben" I nodded as the girl with blue hair spoke "I'm Evie and this is Carlos and jay" she pointed at two guys, my eyes stopped on the guy who she called jay "holy shit" I whispered, apparently loud enough for kai to hear "n/n" they smiled "shut up" I sighed "well I'm kai and this is my best friend and the daughter of Hades himself, y/n, she's single" kai smiled "my god kai if you don't stop I'm going to shove my foot up your ass" "language" kai smacked my shoulder "no" I smiled "ok girls that's enough" mal smiled "uhh" kai looked at me "ok they're not going to tell you, kai is non- binary, they got by they, them" I patted Kai's shoulder "oh my, I'm so sorry" mal corrected herself "ok so tour or dorms, I'm tired so" I flat line smiled and mal nodded "we can show you around tomorrow, jay, Carlos and Evie will show you to your dorm" I nodded and grabbed Kai's hand "let's go then"

We had gotten to our dorm and were now chanced and laying in bed "dude you were starring at jay the entire time" kai laughed "can't help it, he's pretty" I smiled "he's gonna think you're gay" kai closed their book "nah I'll flirt with him" kai shook they're head "goodnight goofy ball" "goodnight asshole" we laughed before we went to sleep.

New Vks   (jay x f! reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now