"you're hot"

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Y/ns pov

It's been a few months since jay and I started dating.
I sighed as I threw a pillow at Kai for wake me up and I got ready for the day.

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I left Kai in the dorm and ran to find jay

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I left Kai in the dorm and ran to find jay.

Once I found him, he hasn't saw me yet so I snuck up behind him and jumped on his back. He jumped and I giggled "oh hi, sweetheart" I smiled and kissed his cheek leaving a small red lipstick mark. I jumped off his back and he turned to me "damn" I tilted my head "what?" He grinned "you're hot" I smacked his arm before I gently grabbed his face "just for that ima just" I began kissing all over his face leaving red lipstick marks all over.

"Hey hey hey!" He laughed and I stopped and grabbed his hand giggling "you're so handsome" I smiled and have him a kiss on the lips. He kissed me back before pulling away "and you're gorgeous" he smiled and we walked away together, he hadnt noticed the lipstick marks till we ran into Carlos and Kai "wow" Carlos smiled "what happened to your face?" Carlos asked as Kai laughed, I giggled "what?" Jay sounded confused "me, I happened" I smiled and Carlos nodded as I pointed to my lipstick. "Y/nnn" jay looked at me as he looked in the mirror Kai handed him. "Jayyyyy" I smiled and ran, he chased after me "get back here!" He yelled laughing "never!" I yelled back laughing. He ended up catching me and made me help him wipe off the lipstick.

"You're such a dork" he looked up at me from the side of the tub in my dorm. "You're so pretty" I kissed his forehead "hey!" I laughed and wiped off his forehead. He kissed me and I kissed him back. I slowly pulled away before jay slammed his lips back into mine.

I giggled against his lips and he finally pulled away "I just wiped your face off" I smiled and wiped his lips "than take off your lipstick so I can kiss you" "no" I smiled and he took the wipe from my hand wiping my lipstick off of me.

He set the wipe down before he kissed me deeply, I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck as his stayed on my hips. He leaned me against the wall and the kiss began getting heated before.... Kai opened the door "hey y/- OH SHIT!" they closed the door and jay and I busted out laughing "way to cockblock, kai!" I yelled "I'M SORRY" they yelled back.

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