hanging out with the old vks

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Y/ns pov

I woke up to kai smacking me in the face with a pillow "what the fuck, kai!?" "Get up, Evie invited us to hangout with her and the others!" They yelled and continued hitting me "fine fine, I'm up, asshole" I sat up and stretched before I got ready

I woke up to kai smacking me in the face with a pillow "what the fuck, kai!?" "Get up, Evie invited us to hangout with her and the others!" They yelled and continued hitting me "fine fine, I'm up, asshole" I sat up and stretched before I got ready

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I sighed as I brushed my hair and put on eyeliner

I put on some chapstick and looked at kai "ready" I smiled "yep!" They had on a pair of dark red baggy jeans and a white tank top with a black button up on "let's go" we left our dorm and walked over to where Evie told us to meet her

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I put on some chapstick and looked at kai "ready" I smiled "yep!" They had on a pair of dark red baggy jeans and a white tank top with a black button up on "let's go" we left our dorm and walked over to where Evie told us to meet her.

Kai and I have been waiting for 20 minutes "n/n, I told you they will be here soon" "I know what you said k but soon needs to be sooner, I woke up for this" I crossed my arms before we heard a voice "hey, sorry Evie sent me to get you two" a shorter boy, Carlos I think his name was, smiled up at us "alright let's go!" Kai grabbed my hand and pulled me along as they followed carlos.

We made it to what I'm assuming is Evie and mals dorm. "Soo why did I need to be here?" Kai smacked my arm "y/n" they whisper yelled at me "sorry sorry" I apologized "you're fine y/n, we just wanted to get to know you two!" Evie smiled and Kai and I sat down "your room is very pink, I'm happy ours is blue now" I looked around slightly "I know right" mal closed her book, I smiled a bit "so how long have y'all been here?" Kai smiled as he spoke to Evie "we've been here for a few months" mal shrugged "more like a year" Evie corrected "time goes by fast" she smiled. I looked over at jay to see him already looking at me, I smiled softly at him earning a smile back before I looked back at mal and Evie "y'all are really pretty" "aw thank you y/n!" Evie smiled "thank you" mal smiled "anything for pretty ladies" I smiled "n/n, stop being gay" Kai whispered to me but apparently it was loud enough for everyone to hear "oh you're into girls?" Evie asked "no no, I'm straight" "she just acts gay sometimes" "most the time" I laughed a bit earning a few laughs from everyone "so you don't compliment guys?" "I mean if they look like him maybe" I pointed at jay "oh" he smiled "yea, I really like your hair and your face" I smiled "good to know" he grinned "n/n, to forward" Kai patted my head "no no, she fine, I like it" jay smiled, I felt my face slightly heat up "alrighty, I'm hungry" I smiled "lunch is in a hour if you want to wait or I think jay brought snacks" Evie pointed at jay and I looked at him "anything for the pretty girl" he tossed me a bag of chips "thank you.. Pretty boy" I smiled and he winked at me "anyways, n/n, I was going to go to the library with evie for a little, you wanna go with?" Kai looked at me "nah, I wanna hangout with mal and the boys" Kai nodded and them and Evie left, leaving me with the others.

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