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Y/n pov

Ya know, when I came to Aoradon, I didn't think I'd like it here but I've been here for a few months now and I think I actually like it! I also like jay A LOT. I think kai knows too. Oh well, jay is just.. My dream guy. Anyways back to my story!

I ended up waking up at noon... Woops! I got up and I believe kai and I are going to study for our final goodness 101 exam so I didn't think much into what I wore.

 I walked out the bathroom and looked around our dorm "the fuck?" I whispered to myself before I sighed, kai wasn't in the dorm, I didn't notice that when I walked into the bathroom, I shrugged and walked out my dorm, I'm assuming they are with ca...

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I walked out the bathroom and looked around our dorm "the fuck?" I whispered to myself before I sighed, kai wasn't in the dorm, I didn't notice that when I walked into the bathroom, I shrugged and walked out my dorm, I'm assuming they are with carlos so ima just.

I knocked on mal and evies dorm "yooo, it's y/n" Evie opened the door "hey!" She let me in to see. Jay passed out on her bed, carlos and kai sitting on the floor and mal reading "there you are, you fucking ginger" I sat on evies bed "language, y/n" kai smiled at me "no" I smiled "I woke up and you weren't in your bed so I assumed you were here with carlos" I grinned at them "yes, y/n, I have been here for maybe two hours" kai smiled "ohhh okay" I laid back forgetting jay was asleep right there until I felt arms wrap around me "oh shit" I whispered as I got pulled closer to jay I shurgged and looked at kai "I'm stuck" kai laughed at me "I'm not complaining" I smiled "oh?" Mal looked at me "she likes jay, like a lot" kai smiled "hey how did you even know that, I didn't tell you"  "I just knew" "so you like jay?' Evie smiled I nodded "yes, just shhh I don't want him to know yet" everyone nodded and it got quiet till I heard a quiet voice "you like me?" He whispered softly, I jumped and looked at him with wide eyes 'I thought you were asleep' "nope" he smiled "do you?' I nodded " I like you too" he whispered "actually?!" I jumped up and looked at him, everyone looked at me "shit" "language" "no!" Jay chuckled a bit before he pulled me back down "eck-" "I'm tired so lay back down" "okay' I smiled and cuddled up to him "so are we like.. " "yes" he whispered "yay" I smiled and closed my eyes soon we ended up falling asleep

We woke up to giggles and camera flashes "what the fuck?" I yawned and jay huffed pulling me closer "jay, sweetheart, I can't possibly get closer to you" "awee she called him sweetheart!" Kais voice rang out loudly "kai, I'll shove you in your suitcase again" "again?" Evies voice sounded concerned "yep.. Again" kai sighed I looked at them and sighed 'time to get up, love" I sat up and looked at jay to see him just looking at me "what?" "You're pretty" he smiled, I smiled and smacked his shoulder "get up, goofy" we got up and I fixed my hair 'okay so what are we doing?' "Well you and I need to study so let's go" kai grabbed my hand and smiled "okay" I yawned before I got pulled back by jay and he placed a small kiss to my forehead "see ya later, princess" "no, any nickname but that" I looked at him before smiling "see ya later, pretty boy" kai and I left the room.

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