"oh sick, sup dad"

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Y/ns pov

I woke up and of course I was late for "family day" so I just threw something slightly cute on.

I put on a bit of eyeliner and once again kai wasn't in our dorm "probably with carlos" I laughed a bit to myself before leaving the dorm

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I put on a bit of eyeliner and once again kai wasn't in our dorm "probably with carlos" I laughed a bit to myself before leaving the dorm.

I walked into goodness 101 to see kai sitting there with carlos laughing, everyone, well the vks are here. "Well there you are, sweetheart" jay smiled "nope" "damn it" I smiled and him before I hugged him "ok so today, I have a special present for y/n and kai" fairy god mother smiled "right" kai and I stood in front of a giant screen and it turned on reveal our parents. "Oh sick! Sup dad" I smiled and waved "hello, sweetheart" he smiled "oh hi mom" kai was slightly quiet so I held their hand "so how's my little girl doing?" My dad smiled "well I'm not a little girl but I'm actually doing good, I like it here" I smiled before I felt someone grabbed my hand, I looked over and it was jay "hi" I smiled "oh?" My dad's voice rang through the speaker "oh shit, right" I laughed a bit "dad, this is jay, my boyfriend" I smiled, my dad's face went emotionless for a second before "you better be treating my little girl right" "I am, sir" "he is, dad" my dad nodded "good" he smiled "no no mom, I like it here, I'm staying" I looked at kai who was arguing with his mom, I let go of jays hand and pulled kai away "they are staying here with me and you can't stop them" I huffed crossing my arms "no, they aren't I refuse" Kai's mom hissed "bye" I flipped her off "I love you dad" I smiled "I love you too, sweetheart" and the call was over. "I love my dad" I smiled "he seems nice for a villain" Evie shrugged "only for me" I smiled, mal look viable uncomfortable "you good, mal?" She nodded "yea, yea" I smiled and turned to jay "he's definitely gonna threaten you when he sees you in person" jay smiled "I know" I kissed his cheek and we were off to hang out in mal and evies room.

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