birthday SMUT!!

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Y/ns pov

I woke up to Kai standing over me "happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!" They began singing "nooooo" I groaned and sat up "at least let me wake up" "fine meet me in mals dorm" I gave them a thumbs up before they left and I began getting ready

I woke up to Kai standing over me "happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!" They began singing "nooooo" I groaned and sat up "at least let me wake up" "fine meet me in mals dorm" I gave them a thumbs up before they left and I began getting r...

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I walked out my dorm and walked to mals

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I walked out my dorm and walked to mals

I knocked on mals door and Carlos opened it "happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!" Kai yelled "kai, I'm going to smother you with a pillow" I smiled a bit "and it's not a birthday without my dad you know that" I sighed missing my dad. "Aw, babe" jay wrapped his arms around me "shush" I whispered, he gave me a kiss on the forehead "I have something special planned tonight" he whispered into my dad "oh?" I looked up at him only for him to wink at me "ohhh" I grinned softly "okay" I giggled a bit "oh?" Kai said looking at us "shhh" I smiled and Kai's eyes widened "OH" they smiled "I accidentally cock blocked jay and y/n two days ago" Kai laughed "it's not funny, Kai" I sighed "it is very funny" mal and them said laughing. "Alright alright stop laughing at us" jay threw a pillow at mal and I threw on at Kai "jackasses" I huffed and kissed jay cheek "do I need to dress fancy later?" Jay shook his head and lead down to my ear "no need to dress up, I'm just gonna rip your clothes off anyways" he whispered and I giggled my face turning red "okay, fairy godmother needed me in five minutes so you coming with?" He nodded and we left the room.

We stepped into the goodness 101 classroom and fairy godmother smiled "we have a special surprise for you dear" I smiled and my father popped up on a giant tv "hey, sweetheart" he smiled "hey dad" I smiled "I have a surprise for you" I nodded "what is it?" He smiled happily "I'm being allowed to come visit you tomorrow" my eyes went wide "wait, really? I swear if this is a lie I'm gonna cry" "no, I'm gonna be there" I ended up tearing up a bit "I miss you so much" I sniffled "I miss you too, little one, I have to go pack for two days so I'll see you tomorrow" I nodded "bye dad" I wiped my tears as the tv went black and I hugged jay "oh my god, oh my god, you're gonna meet my dad" I smiled "I am" he chuckled and we left the room.

Later one Kai and I are in our dorm and they helping me get ready even though jay said it was casual, I ended up wearing something cute..

(- the stockings)

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(- the stockings)

I put a bit of mascara on before I left the room to see jay waiting "I said wear something comfy, love" he smiled "I am comfy" he nodded and patted my head "alright then" We walked to his dorm and he opened the door revealing a projector and pillows making his bed look like a couch, he had small fairy lights up and snacks on a small table. "Wow" I smiled and he led me over to his bed, I kicked off my shoes and slid off my jacket before we laid down and picked a movie.

Half way through the movie, I felt Jay's hand on my thigh, I looked at him "yes?" He smiled "I told Carlos to keep Kai away from our dorm so we could have some alone time" he whispered his thumb softly rubbing my thigh. "Yea?" He nodded "good" I smiled kissing him deeply, he kissed me back. His hand moved from my thigh to my hips and he quickly moved me onto his lap as the kiss got heated. I moved my hands to my dress pulling it up a bit so I could fully sit on his lap before I wrapped my arms around his neck. After a few seconds he pulled away and moved his kisses to my neck "is this okay?" He whispered "yes" I muttered leaning my head to the side a bit so he has more access to my skin. "So pretty" he whispered against my skin as he probably left marks "all mine" he muttered biting down on my neck "all yours" I gasped softly, my hand gripping onto his hair causing him to groan. "Do that again" he whispered and I did as told, yet another grunt slipped from his lips. "You're driving me crazy" he whispered, I giggled softly "is that a bad thing?" "Definitely not" he smiled kissing up my neck to my jawline then my lips, his hands pulled my dress up as he broke the kiss to pull it over my head tossing it to the side. "Wow" he smiled slowly sliding his hands up my side, I giggled softly "I'm guessing you like what you see?" He nodded quickly "I do, I really do" he smiled, I slid my hands down his chest and pulled his shirt off of him tossing it "damn" I smiled and leaned closer to him pressing soft kissed to his collarbone and chest "you're so gorgeous" he whispered and he unhooked my bra and tossed it "you're so handsome" I smiled before he flipped up so he was on top "woah" I giggled softly "hey, pretty boy" I bit my bottom lip "hey, pretty girl" he smiled placing soft kissed down my neck to my chest "is this okay?" I nodded "words, love" "yes, jay" I whispered and he gently kissed around my boob before he began leaving hickeys on it as he softly massaged the other. I quietly moaned "fuck" I whispered before I felt his hand and mouth leave my chest and kissed down farther to the lining of my underwear, I looked down at him and he smiled up at me as he slid down my underwear and tossed them with my other clothes. He stood and kicked off his jeans and boxers, my eyes went wide at his length. I watched as he crawled back into the bed and looked at me "are you ready?" I nodded quickly "words" he softly kissed my inner thigh "please, I'm ready for you" I whispered and he nodded lining him self up with me before slowly pushing into me. "So big" I muttered out tears pricking my eyes "almost fully in" he grunted finally pushing fully in and looked at me "tell me when to move" he whispered wiping the tears from my eyes "yes, sir" I whispered "call me that again" he whispered into my ear "sir" I muttered and he smirked softly. After a few minutes I took a deep breath "okay, you can move" I whispered and he slowly began thrusting into me causing me to moan "such a pretty sound" he whispered, I squeezed my eyes shut tightly "faster" I murmured out "really?" He looked at me "please" I whispered and he did as told speeding up his thrust, my moans only grew louder as with each thrust, I ended up cover my mouth with my hand as he speed up again holding onto my hips tightly, I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer causing him to grunt and I to moan loudly into my hand. "I'm getting close" he grunted I nodded quickly "m-me too" I uncovered my mouth for a second before covering it again. He speed up once again, his thrusts getting sloppy and messy. Two minutes went by before I came and he pulled out and came on my stomach.

I looked at him as he grabbed a towel and help me clean myself up before he cleaned himself up and grabbed his boxers slipping them on before grabbed my underwear and one of his shirts and helped me get them on before he cuddled up to me "are you okay?" He whispered, I nodded and looked at him "very okay" I smiled and kissed his cheek softly "I love you" he whispered "I love you too" we soon fell asleep in each other's embrace.

(1377 words, wow)

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