Joonie - He's a little confused but he got spirit

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"Joonie baby that's not what Jungkookies controller is for..." Jin sounded exasperated as he watched his baby sucking on Jungkooks PlayStation controller.

The baby just smiled at him, absentmindedly sucking on the plastic without a care in the world.

See because his paci was plastic, he thought that meant anything plastic was a paci, so if he could get his hands on something plastic it would end up in his mouth.

Jin gently hooked the controller out of his mouth, quickly replacing it with a paci before Joonie could fuss.

They were at the point now where Jin had placed space pacis in every room of the house, just incase Joonie decided he wanted to chew on something.

The baby didn't flinch, just beaming up at his caregiver and flapping his hands excitedly.

Jin couldn't help but coo, picking the baby up and cuddling him tightly, "my adorable little baby, you wanna go cuddle with Yoonie?" Yes Jin decided this was the perfect time to trick Yoongi into bringing out his soft side with the baby.

Yoongi couldn't resist Namjoon when he was little and the others found it absolutely hilarious, Yoongi was such a softie.

Joonie giggled and toddled off to Yoongi and Jins room as Jin followed, a mischievous smile on his face.

"Oonie!!!" Joonie yelled out, making Yoongi jump even though he had his headphones on.

He turned around and immediately a soft smile was on his face as he reached his arms out for his baby.

"Hi baby..." he mumbled as Joonie clambered onto his lap, burying his face in his chest.

Yoongi wrapped his arms around him, rocking him gently with his eyes closed and a soft smile on his face.

Jin snickered, and Yoongis eyes snapped to the door, "get out of here I'm busy" he mumbled, turning back to his computer and putting his headphones back on, still with a lap full of baby.

Jin grinned, "yeah, busy with your baby..." he mumbled, getting a swift side eye from Yoongi, "whatever..." he mumbled, stroking Joonies back as he avoided his eldest hyungs eyes.

"Have fun Yoongichi! He's started chewing everything plastic so watch out for your headphones" Jin said, laughing at the end as Joonie had apparently heard him and decided Yoongis headphones looked yummy.

Yoongi looked on in shock as Joonie dropped his paci and began suckling on Yoongis headphones, still on his head.

Jin left Yoongi to deal with their drooly baby, laughing as he went.

Yoongi hooked the headphones out of the baby's mouth and off his head, placing them down on his desk.

He grabbed a spare paci and popped it into his mouth, the baby soothing again beginning to relax against Yoongis chest, seemingly falling asleep.

Yoongi smiled softly again, kissing the top of Joonies head.

God he loved this man, whether he was little or not, he loved him.

A/N: In baby Joonie we trust.

Don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books! Soft Oneshots book 2 is out now! Follow me to stay tuned for the entire series!! Backup account: hoseokkphile

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