Chapter 21: Love That Bonds Us Together

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Song Credits: EQRIC, Noreal, Muffin - In The Name Of Love

Italic - Importance/Texting //// Bold - Emphasis/Texting //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory


I was still in his arms, looking up at the ceiling. Ban was whistling a tune that I distinctly remember, but forget the name to it.

My eyes drift over to his party hat covered horns. I smile deviously, getting ideas. And he was still unsuspecting as I remember.

I reach up, grabbing onto one. His head tilted towards me. He gasps. "Skyelle. What're you doing?" I look at him, acting like I wasn't doing anything.

"What are you talking about? I'm doing no such thing." 

Then he grabs me, making me squeal when he peppers my face in kisses. I laugh as he gets on top of me, and then we look into the other's eyes.

I get lost looking into them, seeing love in his eyes as he blinks. He picks me up, making me feel conscious again. Ban sighs when I sit on his lap.

"Sooo, want to tell me what you're planning, or do I have to guess?" I lean into his warmth, letting him hold me close.

Adam places his hands on my cheeks, cradling my face gently, making me snuggle into him. Right now I just needed the attention.

That is until my phone goes off, ruining our time. I sigh, taking it out. It was a text from my friends, mainly my roommate that was concerned for me.

"Hey, I was wondering if we were okay to visit you there?"

I really needed to ask my boss, again. I knew that they wouldn't want my friends to come in here when the Kindergarten was still under renovation, but it wouldn't hurt to ask, right?

I send them the text, not expecting for them to agree. Surprisingly they answered immediately, saying as long as they weren't too much, they were allowed in.

Banban, or Adam still had to come with me. I really didn't want to explain that he was my old human boyfriend, but whatever.

Ban sees my worried face. He holds it, looking into my eyes. "Hey, what is it?" I sigh, giving into his adorable eyes.

"My friends want to visit and you have to come too. I... Just don't know how to explain your whole situation to them. They might hate you for leaving me still..."

He agrees. "Yeah, that is difficult, but at least I'm here to help, right?" Nodding, I wrap my arms around his neck. I kiss him, and he groans when I move around some.

"What'd did I do to deserve you Adam? Because I know it wasn't my looks that appealed to you." He admits something that warmed my heart.

"No, it wasn't just that, it was your whole personality. It was cute how easily embarrassed you'd get on our dates. That's what I love most about you."

I feel myself blushing. It was nice that we met each other back then. And the fact that we had found each other after so long, my broken heart was getting itself fixed, piece by piece.

And he was that missing part of me that needed finding all along...


We were holding hands, walking to the same classroom where we saw my family in last. But now my friends were here, and it was nerve wracking after so long to see them.

Stasia notices my arrival. She gleefully ran over to me, squishing me in a tight hug. "I missed you! How's work treating you?" 

The others see Banban, getting curious. The walk over. Mackenzie eyes him over. Looking at me for an answer.

"Uhm, Banban, meet my friends. Farah, Kenzie and Stas. Guys, meet my new... Er, boyfriend?" They looked shocked at those words.

Farah responds. "Boyfriend? Moving on so fast from him, huh?" I gulp nervously. "About that, Ban's kind of possibly Adam now?" 

She seemed surprised at that admission. Kenzie gets protective of me, pushing me behind her back. "He, he hurt you and left you? Now you're wanting back together? After all that jerk has done to you?"

I sigh angrily, scooting over to him. Hellish was wanting out now. He seems... Overprotective of me. And to think that he hurt me back then...

I try my best to diffuse the situation from getting worse. My patience running thin. "Girls, I know that he left me then, but he says that he was sorry for not telling me. He was just trying to protect me, okay?"

I turn to Banban. I hold his hands, looking deep inside his colorless eyes. "And Adam, I love you with all my heart, so please, for my sake, try not to get angry, alright?"

He nods, easing when I pet his head. Purring was heard as I forget about my friends and start giving him the needed attention right now.

The last thing that I wanted was for his evil side to break loose, and possibly kill someone.

Kenzie taps my shoulder, catching my attention. 

"Hey, sorry for kind of possibly getting in your way. I, we are just worried for you. We don't want you getting hurt again. But I'm glad that you two re-met each other, you were miserable for the longest time..."

I scoff, playfully hitting her arm with my elbow. "I'll have you know, I was not moping around, I was just unhappy with how my life went downhill for awhile."

Sighing, I admit something that I was hiding. "I wanted the job to see where my boyfriend went, not knowing that my case was possibly him. Yet I'm glad that I came here. Many things changed my mind on what I do best..."

Farah nods, smiling. "Well, aren't you glad for my advice now? I'm kidding! I'd never be that cruel to you, we are besties remember?" 

I nod, recalling Kat's and mine's relationship. We were good friends since childhood, and I forgot to call her still, and was wondering of she had made any better friends, someone that doesn't just check up on her well-being.

Adam gets my awareness back onto him.

"Uhm, shouldn't we go now? I don't want to get us into any trouble with your boss..." Turning to my friends and roommate, I tell them.

"Sorry, but we gotta split girls. Yet it was nice seeing you three after a long time. I'll call or text later tonight, ok?" They agreed, and we hug each other, acting like it was the last time.

However I still could contact them, and besides, if my job doesn't work out here, me and Ban could go see the world.

Heaven knows he hasn't been outside since turning into a tall, sentient mascot...


I was walking him home, and occasionally was sneaking my daily kisses on his cheek. Ban seemed to be at war with himself, wanting me to stay a night with him.

However we both knew that wasn't possible, especially when we were still kind of into our new relationship, not counting the old one we had once.

And with my job being at risk, we'd have to wait until we can get physical again, with the fear if being found out, as well...

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