Chapter 47: Wish in Disguise

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Song Credits: Porter Robinson - Get Your Wish 

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

Sometimes wishes don't come true. But maybe all the suffering will pay off for Skyelle's wish.


Wishes. We've all had them. Sometimes they come true. Sometimes they never actually happen. Or they're just a silly dream of yours that might never come true.

That's how it felt when I decided that I would surprise Ban with something exciting.  It felt like a crazy dream of mine, but I wanted to do it right after graduation for college. 

Turns out all that work would pay off when I was told I had gotten my intuition money. I remember being shook when they told me the amount. That'd be more than enough.

I remember how we were just eating dinner in the dorm dining room, that's when I got the call.


Dinner that night along with our conversations made it even more special. 

We were eating whatever Stasia made for us three to eat. She was surprised that Banban was able to eat too. I had told her that he could eat, and he just didn't need it like we did.

That's when my phone rang with a call. I excuse myself, seeing my college number on it. I get up and leave the room to answer it. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 

I was getting my college grad money early?! 

Wait that means... Stasia and my friends must've asked them for it early. My eyes tear up as Ban came over. "Are you okay-" I was hugging him. His hands hold me close as we hugged.

"What is it?" I wipe my eyes. "My surprise for you can happen now." He kisses me abruptly. Making me grab on. The kiss ends. 

"Really?" I nod. He picks me up, making me squeal in laughter. He spins me some. His tail was wagging. Banban really was excited to hear my words. He sets me down again.

Brushing some hair behind my ear. My face flushes. His claw lingers on my face, tracing my cheek. Happy purrs left him as he hugs me close again. I giggle. He really was adorable.

It'll all be worth it.


There we stood in front of Banban's Kindergarten again for the first time in months. His hand holds mine tightly as we walk inside. The child painted walls never looked any different. 

Scientists walk through the hallways, some holding papers from their work. I tense up. Banban rubs my back affectionately, as if saying he was right here. I was never any more thankful for him and Hellish.

Maia was with Zack talking when we approached them. Her face lights up seeing me waving. She runs over to hug me. I struggle to breathe. "Air- air."

She parts. "Sorry." I exhale. "It's fine." They both asked what i was doing here. I tell them that I was simply visiting. Banban and I go to my old dorm room. 

The place was torn apart. My stuff thankfully was found before then by my friends. 

Banban holds me close as we take in the destroyed room. Everything was strewn around the room. Almost like it had been raided by the higher ups. It didn't look comfy and inviting anymore.

"They wrecked the place. But why?" Ban answers me. "They probably were looking for us." I nod. It had to be that. Even though I wanted to hate them for ruining my room, I was thankful that we weren't in here.

Walking together through the hall, Ban's arm was wrapped around me comfortingly. Holding on, afraid to let me go. I didn't blame him. They did kinda inject me with Givanium before.

He growls. I look up at him worriedly. I pat his shoulder. "Hey Ban. I'm fine. We'll do this together, okay?" He nods. I never seen Banban so overprotective before.

I lead us to the classroom we used to be stationed at. Empty. As if they were still closed. Blood stained the floor. I wanted to throw up from the sight. It seems that Banban wasn't the only mascot to hurt someone.

We back out of the classroom. Bumping into Claire and Lea. Banban clutches me close protectively. "Girls." I cross my arms, glaring. 

"Skyelle." Lea crosses her arms too. Claire speaks. "Where were you at?" I stand my ground. "On vacation leave." She snorts. "As if. We were there when the.. things acted out."

I feel a slight tingle in my rib area when she mentions Bring-A-Friend Day. "She was injured. I helped her leave." Banban says, still grasping onto me from behind.

They look at each other, then back at us. "The higher ups went crazy when they found you were gone with one of their mascots. The other mascots got to some people." Lea explains.

My gaze softens. "We saw." Claire speaks up. "We're sorry for giving you a hard time here. We plan on leaving since this place isn't safe anymore." I snort. "Was it ever safe?"

She laughs. "Not really. But whatever you're planning to do, know we agree with whatever it is." I rub the back of my neck sheepishly. "Thanks girls.." They walk away as we stand there taking in the new information. 

"Now what?" Ban asks. I shrug. "I actually don't know anymore."

"Look, whatever you plan on doing, just know I'm right behind you." He holds my shoulders as he talks. I never seen him so devoted until now.

"Well, there is one thing I plan on doing."


I sit in the courtroom with my family's lawyer by me. The higher ups of the Kindergarten were here too. I dressed in my best outfit for this specific occasion.

"Miss Robyn. Plead your case." I nod. Standing. "I'm planning on buying the Kindergarten. Their ways before I worked for them were... inhumane. They mistreated their mascots, and even tried to kill me."

The higher up speaks up. "We did not." I smirk at them. "We have security surveillance." Someone hands me a tape. I thank them. Playing it in the tape player.

It showed Banban curled up in a ball. When I originally got it from Zack as his promise to give me the files, I was heartbroken seeing my poor devil in so much pain.

Everyone watches as the tape plays. Some whisper about how sad the sight was. It finishes playing. The judge coughs. "Well, thank you for that. We've come with the decision to let miss Robyn here buy the Kindergarten."

She looks stern at the old higher ups. "Since you have been shown with animal cruelty, and mistreatment of your staff, you will no longer be allowed near the Kindergarten."

"Court dismissed." She hits the gavel. 

I did it. I saved every mascot there. And my darling devil from being owned again. 


"What is your big surprise?" Banban still covered his face. I grin. "You can look now." He uncovers his face, gaping at what was on the tv. I was in a nice dress as I announced that I now owned Banban's Kindergarten. 

The crowd behind the camera claps as I speak about how much this mattered to me. And that it was all for a special someone in my life.

Banban's eyes tear up as he hugs me. I knew how much this meant to him. That I had gone through the trouble of winning rights over the Kindergarten and it's mascots. He speaks up tearfully as we hug.

"Thank you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09 ⏰

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