
21 8 10

People say so many things about being 17.

They say 17 is cruel and bitter.

It keeps you tethered.

I always wondered why

Now I know why.

17 makes you lonely.

17 breaks you.

It makes you cry.

It lefts you numb.

So many emotions It makes you feel,17

That you'd become confused.

But 17 is also a great teacher

It teaches to be stronger.

17 teaches to get up stronger after a pain.

It teaches to end childhood armed

In order to wage a war against adulthood,

Saying to it's face that-

You can't defeat me!

I will be alive!

I will fight!

17 teaches to paint the black and white world into colors.

So, 17 is neither scary nor a foe.

It comes and goes with a well wishing vow.

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