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All the devi and deva's were running here And there, trying to make sure everything was perfect.  

Because it was the day the little princess of the goddess of wealth and prosperity and the pereserver of the universe name was to be decided.

Mata Lakshmi was practically running around the place while narayan stared at his wife with his daughter in his arms.
Mata parvati entered vaikuntha with gifts in her arms for the little girl when she saw narayan staring at Mata lakshmi. Mata parvati giggled as she headed towards him with Mahadev following behind her as both had an amusing smile on their faces. "Brother,has devi lakshmi scolded you?" Asked devi parvati.

As the laughter filled the celestial abode of Vaikuntha, Narayana shook his head with a playful smile. "Not yet, sister Parvati, but I suspect she might if I don't contribute to the load of work gathered soon."

Devi Lakshmi, still bustling with excitement, paused her flurry of activity and turned to face her beloved Narayana and the assembled gods and goddesses. "Indeed, it is time we reveal the name for our precious daughter."

Devi Saraswati, her eyes gleaming with wisdom, stepped forward. "We all have pondered upon this matter, and we all believe the name 'Asmi' would be fitting for the daughter of Lakshmi and Narayana. It signifies 'I am' in Sanskrit, representing her connection to the essence of existence."

Narayana's gaze softened as he yet again  contemplated the name suggested by Saraswati. "Asmi... It carries a profound meaning, reflecting her divine heritage and her role in the tapestry of creation."

Devi Parvati nodded in agreement, her smile radiant with approval. "Asmi it shall be—a name befitting the daughter of Lakshmi and Narayana, embodying the essence of all that is and all that will ever be."

With unanimous consent from the assembled gods and goddesses, Devi Lakshmi cradled her daughter, Asmi, in her arms, whispering the name with love and tenderness. The little princess, her eyes reflecting the brilliance of the cosmos, gazed up at her mother with a sense of recognition, as if acknowledging the significance of her newly bestowed name.

And so, amidst the celestial splendor of Vaikuntha, the daughter of Lakshmi and Narayana was named Asmi—the embodiment of divine grace, the essence of existence, and the beacon of love that illuminates the cosmos.

Asmi, the beloved daughter of the divine couple, would grow to embody the virtues of compassion, wisdom, and grace, her presence a blessing to all who beheld her radiance and a testament to the eternal bond shared between heaven and earth.

Editor here; did you all like it I tried a different writing style than usual so I'm wondering if you all liked it and don't forget to vote for this chapter byeee
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