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Asmi the embodiment of the love of her parents amd their beacon of love,surrounded by the affection and adoration was trying to annoy her mother as she was doing her duties at the celestial abode of vaikuntha by crying the second Maiya lakshmi turned her louts like eyes away from her.

And as soon as she did turn her away her eyes and give her daughters attention to someone else as the little girl asmi was thinking that her mother's attention was only for her and wanted to have it all by herself.

After a tiring day of trying to manage her duties and her daughter Maiya lakshmi was extremely tired and as some things were still left she asked narayan to handle his daughter. And as soon as narayan saw Maiya's tired face he immediately took asmi into his arms and tried to avert her attention to him while asmi only wanted her mother.

As asmi only cried for her mother's attention while trying to speak words to express her sadness to her father she miserably failed by only speaking gibberish but her father immediately understood what she was trying to say.

"Do you not want you're baba,putri?" Asked narayan to his daughter with a playful smile on his face yet before he could say anything asmi's stomach growled indicating that all the crying had only gotten her hungry.

Noticing this narayan called Maiya lakshmi. "Priye,my daughter has gone hungry from all the crying please feed her" said Narayan to Maiya lakshmi.
"Then you go and manage all the bundle of tasks which are left to do,priye" Maiya lakshmi said to narayan in teasing rone as she took asmi in her arms.

Narayan stood up and followed behind Maiya lakshmi as she instructed him on what to do as narayan happily followed.

Editor here this a filler chapter I'll make a good chapter in a few days as my eslxams are going on byeeee and do t forget to voteeee

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