"The New Girl"

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It was my first day at this new school. My parents had gotten divorced and I moved to California with my mom from Tennessee.. She was originally from California so we had family we could stay with while we were there. She is beautiful and I look up to her. People tell me I look like her but I really don't believe it. She is tall, thin, and beautiful and I was just... plain. I waited at my stop to get onto the bus. I stared at the ground, hoping to go unnoticed by the other kids. Some were a bit older, maybe 11th grade, some were a lot younger, maybe 5th. There were about 7 of us there. I had my headphones in so I wouldn't be bothered, blasting Ed Sheeran. As the bus pulled up, we all shuffled up the stairs. I sat down in a seat towards the back, but not the very back. I unlocked my phone and texted my friend from back in Tennessee. As I locked my phone and rested my head on the window, I felt my seat shuffle. I looked over to see a guy sitting next to me. I scooted over a bit moving my backpack with me. "Is this seat taken?" He asked. "I guess not" I sighed. "I'm Eric, I don't think we've met before. Are you new to this school?" he asked smiling at me softly. "I'm Savannah" I relaxed a bit. "and I just moved here from Tennessee.." I answered. "Well, Savannah, I'd love to show you around the school sometime" he said almost flirtingly. "Uh, thanks but no thanks. Someone in the office already did that." I say, my heart beating a bit faster. I put my earbuds back in before he said anything.

When the bus pulled up to the school we all filed off of the bus. We got there just as another bus was pulling in. Eric told me to follow him and I did. We started towards the school when a few guys came up behind Eric. I guess they're his friends because when one guy said "Hey Eric" he turned around and they fist bumped or whatever guys do. "Who's this fiiine girl, Eric" one guy said. "Yeah, what's yo name princess" another chimed in. They were so obnoxious. "I'll see ya around, Eric" I said walking faster. "Savannah! wait!" he shouted while following me. I walked into the school and looked for my locker. "239" I said to myself examining the numbers on the lockers as I walked past them. I didn't hear Eric behind me anymore so I figured he had given up. "236, 237, 238" I said in my head. I stopped at locker 239 and dialed in my passcode. I entered my combination and opened my locker. I had come Friday after school and put my things in my locker and got a little tour of the place, but I was still confused as to where I went for some classes. "Period 1: Computer Software. Room 109" I read off my schedule. I like the whole computer stuff so I thought why not take this? I tapped a girl who looked about my age on the shoulder. "excuse me" I asked. She turned around, gave me a weird look, then continued talking to her friends. I guess Eric saw my 'strike out' because he ran over to me as I started walking away. "That's Andrea. Don't worry about her, she's a bitch" he said looking at my schedule which made me laugh a little bit.

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