"The New Girl"

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Finally it was lunch time. I usually sat by myself, which didn't bother me because I'd rather sit alone than with strangers. I got my food and sat down. I put my head phones in and pressed play. It turned to Home is in Your Eyes by Greyson Chance. I blinked away a tear. It still hurt me, listening to this song. It reminded me of my best friend. He died a little over 3 years ago. I bit into my pizza. I didn't realize anyone sat down at my little table. "Savannah, are you okay?" I heard Taylor say over the music. I let more tears fall than I thought. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said wiping my eyes and taking my headphones out all in one swift motion. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing" I mumbled. He let it go. I got up and turned the corner. I slumped down and silently sobbed. After a few minutes, Taylor turned the corner. I looked up at him an stood up. He wiped my eyes with his thumbs and grabbed me into his embrace. I stood there crying into his shoulder for a few minutes. I sniffles and took my head out of his shoulder. "Thank you." I said. "Dont thank me." He said. "No, I really need to. You don't realize how bad I needed that."

The rest of the day went on and seemed like it would never end. I got on the bus and sat in my seat. Taylor saw me and plopped down. I wasn't paying attention so I thought it was Eric. "Hey,.. Taylor" I said. "You seem disappointed, I can move." He said about to get up. "No! Sit!" I said pulling on his shirt. "Okay" he said. "But sit on this side" I said moving him towards the window. Just about then, Eric came by. He looked us. "Can we sit three here?" I asked him. "Sure" he said smiling. He pulled out his phone and started texting as soon as he sat down. A minute later he leaned forward and looked at Taylor. I look them. "What?" I asked cluelessly. Eric mouthed 1...2...3...now and they squished me together. "UGHHH OW" I yelled while being squished. I managed to wiggle up a bit and they ended up colliding. "Haha!" I laughed. Eric grabbed me and squeezed me. " I haven't talked to you all day, you little butt" he said. He let go and I plopped down in my seat. "I didn't really talk to anyone today" I said. "Except me" he nudged me. "Yeah he's really the only person I've talked to." "Were gonna get ice cream tomorrow" he said. "cool" Eric said.

We got to our stop and got off. "Hey, where do y'all live? not in a creepy way, it's just we all have the same the stop so.." I asked. "I live farther than Taylor does" he said pointing the opposite way from my house. I started that way. I looked back and they were standing there. "Are you just gonna let me guess or are ya gonna show me?" I hollered. They jogged and caught up. We walked about 5 minutes. "This is where I live." Eric said pointing to the house we were standing in front of. "Eric! Come on! We have to go!" His sister yelled from the house. I walked up the sidewalk a little bit with him, just out of earshot of Taylor. We hugged. "That was a wimpy hug." I said. He just shrugged. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothin" he shook his head. "Is me going to get ice cream with Taylor bothering you?" "I feel like a third wheel" he said. "You aren't a third wheel! can we hang out sometime?" I asked. "I'll talk to you on Monday." He said walking inside.

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