"The New Girl"

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Eric had to go home and help his mom with something. I walked out the door grabbing my keys. "Momma ill be home in a little bit!" I hollered as I shut the door. I pulled into the pier parking lot and got out. I walked towards Andrea. She had two girls, Taylor, and Liam with her. "What do you want Andrea?" I asked. "To fight" she said carelessly. "Um no. I don't know how it works up here but in Tennessee you get charged with battery and are suspended from school and you aren't worth that" I replied walking away. Taylor came up beside me. "Hey can we talk?" He asked. I opened my door and sat in the seat. "Go on..." I said waiting for an excuse. He took a deep breath. "I'm really sorry. I know, you won't want to give to forgive me but please, give me another chance." He said taking my hand in his. "I just don't want anything right now. Friends? Yes. Anything more than that? No." I said. "Soo... We're cool?" He asked. "Not totally.' I said. "Cool enough for me to get a hug?" He asked whipping out his dazzling smile. I paused for a minute. "I guess" I said standing up to hug him.

*1 month later*

I drove back to my house after hanging out with Eric. I pulled out my phone and called Jenn. "Hey girly! Why haven't I heard from you all weekend?" She answered. "I was with Eric all day." I replied. "Eric.... as in Eric Unger?" She asked timidly. "Yes....why?" "He's bad news Sav. He's no good. He's a player. I also heard that this one time he was caught smoking pot in the boys bathroom. And another time he-" she started in gossiping. "Jenn!" I cut her off. "Eric hasn't done anything to me ever since I've known him. He won't hurt me!" I said trying to convince myself more than her. She sighed. "All that I'm saying is he's a player. He's done it to too many girls. He charms them then BAM! Stabs them in the heart. Trust me, I know his story all too well." "Wait did he-... Jenn, did he break your heart?" I asked. "Mine and every other girl in this school's" "I'll call you back later" I said abruptly ending the call. I sent Eric a message: 'I'm coming over'. He replied: 'okay, missin me already ;)'. He was so cocky. But maybe that's one of the reasons I fell even harder for him. Maybe I liked that about him.

I pulled into his driveway and slammed the door shut. I was about to knock when he opened the door. At this point I was heated and almost in tears. I brushed passed him and went straight to his room. "Woah woah woah, what's wrong babe?" He said wrapping me up after shutting the door even though no one was home. "Don't call me that!" I said pushing him away. I plopped onto his bed and crossed my arms. "What happened?" He asked. "Did you really think you could play me like all those other girls!? " I asked furiously. "What do you mean?" He tensed up a bit. "How many hearts did you break?" I asked barely at a whisper. "Savannah! What the hell are you talking about?!" His voice getting louder. "Those girls whose hearts you broke in the past!" I yelled. "Savannah, that was the past. You know very well that you've changed me. You've kept me from doing stupid things. I'm not playing you! I don't want to hurt you!" He yelled back. "How do I know that that's the truth!" I yelled louder. "Look Savannah, I don't know how you want me to show you that it's true but I really want to know why your turning on me now? It's like turning your back on all the work and progress you've made!" "Jenn told me what you did to her and everyone else. I don't think I can trust you anymore. This hurts me more than you think." I say. I stood up and walked out of his room. "Savannah! You don't understand! I never want to hurt you!" "How many girls have you said that to?" I snap back. I pulled my keys out of my purse and opened the door out of the house. It's was pouring. Funny how sometimes the weather can reflect you mood right? I climbed in the car and saw Eric standing there in the doorway, his face drained. The radio started playing 'Moments' by One Direction which I guess was fitting for my mood too.

As I pulled away from his house I saw Eric slump against the door outside and bury his face in his hands. I drove fast, the windshield wipers sloshing rain everywhere. Tears were streaming down my face. I drove past my house and onto the main road. I drove to the pier parking lot and sat there in the car crying. There were a few people running from buildings to their cars since the rain had let up a bit. There were people under the large pier. I couldn't make out who they were. I guess it stayed pretty dry under there because try had a small fire going to keep warm. They were laughing, smoking a bit; they were happy. They weren't broken hearted. I envied them. It started pouring again and their fire went out. They started running towards the lot but I was the only car parked. There were bikes I'm the little rack. I assumed that that's how they got here. It was 3 guys and a girl. One guy was holding the girls hand while they were running. As they got closer I recognized Liam although I didn't know the others. I realized I had stopped crying but my makeup was running and my face was stained with tears. Liam must've recognized the car because before I knew it he was at the drivers side window. The others jumped on bikes and had rode to the closest building. I rolled down my window and grabbed my jacket to keep the interior of the car from getting soaked. "What are you doing here?" I shouted over the sound of the rain. He replied "I was just about to ask you the same thing!" He smiled and I shouted "get in the car!"

He hustled over to the passenger side and climbed in. "Now the cars all wet" he said as I rolled up the window. "Here" I said reaching in the back, grabbing the sweatshirt and shirt I had meant to give back to Eric. He took off his jacket and I looked down at my hands while he took his shirt off. It was actually quite awkward. "So why are you here?" He asked pulling the sweatshirt over his head. "Just clearing my mind" I said tapping my fingers on the console. "What are you here?" I looked up at him to see his big brown eyes already looking at me, his curls were now soaked and tangled from the rain. "What happened Savannah?" He asked. "Eric" I mumbled quietly. "What did he do" he said quietly putting his hand on my leg. "I found out about the real him" I said choking back tears.

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