ii. ❝ operation: montauk ❞

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"IS HE OKAY? IS HE DEAD?" a random kid asks, the crowd of children now gathered around percy

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"IS HE OKAY? IS HE DEAD?" a random kid asks, the crowd of children now gathered around percy. "give him some room please." mr brunner says, rolling his wheelchair to where havan, grover and a now standing percy were situated.

"what happened?" percy says, glancing over at nancy as he spoke. "where's mrs. dodds?" he questions, looking at mr. brunner.

"i didnt do anything to him! he pushed me!" nancy called out once again. "can it nancy, or you're going back into that fountain." havan whispered yelled at her, the wet girl taking a step back.

"everyone, go back to your lunches." mr. brunner says, as the rest of the students scatter back to they're previous positions, leaving the four to talk.

"i don't understand. didn't anyone see that?" the boy starts, his face laced with pure and utter confusion. "where's mrs. dodds?" he finishes. that's when grover, chiron and havan pretended to be confused.

"percy, there's no one here by that name." mr. brunner says, as percy's gaze flickers  between mr. brunner, grover and havan.

"all right, class, let's move along. let's go. finish your lunch." mr. brunner addressed the crowd of students around him, dismissing the three kids. "percy, are you ok?" havan asks him.

"yeah im doing great. my demon teacher just tried to kill me, so that's cool." the blonde retorts.

"forget i asked."

"already forgotten."

──── ✿︎ ────

"THE TRUTH CAN BE SO very hard to determine but in this case, the truth seems very hard to deny." the headmaster speaks first, while across from him, in silence, sat havan, grover and percy.

"mr. jackson a number of your classmates saw you, ms. martin and mr. underwood arguing with ms. bobofit, yet you have offered no explanation for how she ended up in that fountain, other than, uh...'i didn't touch nancy'." he goes, now looking up at percy.

"now, is there anything else you'd like to say for yourself?" he quires him.

"i didn't touch nancy."

"okay. mr. underwood? do you have anything to add?" the headmaster shifts, his attention on grover who sat awkwardly. gradually raising her head, havan looked at grover. she was fully aware of the plan. there was a little period of silence in the room before he spoke up.

"yes. i do."

"go on."

"percy had told me earlier in the day that he wanted to get back at nancy for all she'd done to us." grover begins, hesitant to give his a friend a look. not daring to glance at him.

"grover?" percy says, the hurt lacing his words very evident in his voice. as he watches his friend turn his back on him.

grover goes on. "and he isn't being truthful about what happened at the fountain."


"excuse me, are you saying that you saw mr. jackson assault ms. bobofit?" leaning forward, the headmaster asks. "yes, i did."

"that's not true. havan come on, tell them he's lying. tell them." percys says, appealing to the girl, his blue eyes beaming with a slight tinge of betrayal.

"actually, i do have something to tell them." she remarks, observing how percy's expression softened a little made her feel bad for what she was about to say.

"percy...did push nancy into the fountain. that's all there is to say, sir." she states, meeting the boys gaze momentarily, she felt herself experiencing a slight hint of guilt--something she wasn't used too.

the girl remembering to remind herself that this was the plan, there was no other way now.

"ok. mr. underwood and ms. martin, you're dismissed. mr. jackson, kindly remain." the two kids get to their feet simultaneously and exit the office.

"damn it grover, you couldn't have thought of a less hurtful way to get him to go home?" havan asks the satyr, who sighs in response. "you know he kinda hates us now." she adds.

"yeah, i figured."

"no, literally, that is. i could sense it when we were in there." she says to him, reffering to her powers. not in a sense of causing more resentment or rubbing salt into the wound, but rather to let him know how his bestfriend is feeling.

"whatever, it's irrelevant now. right now, getting to montauk later so we can peace for camp is all that matters." she nods in agreement as he spoke. "get ready to leave." he adds.

"got it."


this chapter was so short
and i hate short chapters but the next one will be out soon, but i hope yall liked it.
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