xxiv. ❝ annabeth's regret ❞

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"WE CANT IGNORE THIS." grover spoke up, eyeing his friends who knew he was talking about the pearls. he had been trying to make it the topic of conversation their whole journey now.

"stop." percy replied with a small huff.

"it's just math, the four of us, plus your mom is five people and only four pearls." the satyr began to rant once again. "someone is staying behind, and it should really be me." he finished.

"absolutely not." havan interjected, hoping that maybe she could find a way to make sure that they all get back and neither of them get stuck in the underworld.

"it wasn't your fault and even if it were you're not getting left behind. period." percy stated, dropping a pearl into the satyrs hand, earning a dumbfounded stare from havan.

"you've gotta be shitting me right now."

"what?" percy questioned, turning towards her. "so it's okay if you get left behind but it's not okay if i do it?" she asked him.

"havan, it's not like that. i just--i'd rather it be me than you." he explained and the girl just shook her head slightly.

"and risk that chance of you never getting out? i think it makes more sense that the daughter of the god of the underworld stayed behind." havan challenged, totally disagreeing with the boys strategy of escape.

"quite frankly, i don't care about that. i just need you out of here. all of you." he said, looking over at the girl. but before havan could reply back, the boy had already beat her to it.

"after we get the bolt and stop this war you guys are leaving, with my mom."

"what about you?" grover questioned, but percy simply turned his back towards him and continued walking, disregarding his question.

"wait, wait, wait." havan trailed, grabbing his arm and turning him around. "what about you?" she asked him, but he just looked at her--he didn't know.

"absolutely not. you're not doing this again." she told him, remembering the arch. remembering the amusement park. this time havan wasn't worth the saving if it meant he'd be stuck here alone.

after the girl had noticed how easy it was for percy to put her first, she then began to notice how easy it would be for her to lose him. every risk the boy took for her nearly cost him his life--twice--but this time, deja vu had just hit her square in the face and the realisation set in.

she would lose him if she didn't stop him.

"quests aren't linear, right?" percy looked between them for a short moment.

havan scoffed. "yes they are. they really are."

"i'll figure something out--" percy said turning around, being met with a lost face, before stepping back. "sorry."

𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋, percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now