xxviii. ❝ she was gone ❞

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"WHAT THE HELL?" havan remarked, sitting up from her place on her bed

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"WHAT THE HELL?" havan remarked, sitting up from her place on her bed. the girl had been reading until the sound of excited cheers and screams sounded from outside of her cabin. havan let out a huff before making her way to the door of her cabin.

she opened the door in one motion before being met with everyone standing outside of their cabins clapping and cheering. the girl then caught site of clarisse who was standing near her cabin and made her way towards her.

"what's going on?" she asked her, the taller girl sucked her teeth. "i think your boyfriend's back." she said, and almost instantly, havan turned around.

"he's not my--nevermind." she said.

"whoop dee doo." clarisse remarked sarcastically, still remembering how the said boy had broken her spear.

𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋, percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now