ix. ❝ when do we leave? ❞

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"PERCY. JUST LET ME EXPLAIN." havan stands at the door to percy's cabin, the poseidon cabin, and says, when he looked up to see who it was, havan found the boy digging through his luggage. when he sees her at last, he rolls his eyes.

she sighs as he tells her, "no need, i have full understanding of what just happened."

"i only ran away because if you hadn't fought off those ares kids yourself, your dad wouldn't have claimed you." havan tries to clarify, but all the boy does is nod.

he responds, "i didn't want your help." havan almost instantly sensed a shift in her attitude with that abrupt statement.

"and that whole time we were up there, i thought we were finally getting to know eachother. simply for me to discover that you were just stalling." he informs her.

she lets out a sigh. "look, im sorry. i had no idea you would react like this. i'll back off the next time; i was simply trying to help." she apologizes.

"yeah, whatever." he responds, surprising the girl a little bit. having already apologized, she was at a loss for words.

"i really dont know what you want me to say to you, so im just gonna leave." the girl says this, then pivots on her heel and leaves his cabin. as she descends the stairs, she hears footsteps behind her and assumes it was percy approaching, but he was actually moving in the other direction.

the girl simply thought it was best to part ways with him on this situation; it's not like she didn't want to make things right. wishing to avoid being the cause of their "friendship" ending. havan was startled out of her reverie as she felt someone hit her in the chest. that someone stopped her from falling right away.

that someone, grover apologizes, "i'm so sorry," as havan finally raises an eyebrow to acknowledge him. "it's fine, i wasn't paying attention either." she informs him. he then turned to face her after a moment of shifting his focus to her direction.

"what were you doing at the poseidon cabin?" she sucks her teeth before answering when he asks her. "don't you mean percy's cabin?" the boy's eyes widen as she responds. he asks her, "what happened?" and she simply brushes it off.

the satyr simply shrugs as she says, "long story."

"so, you're telling me that percy now knows he's the son of poseidon?" the satyr asks.

"yes and why'd you ask like that."

he lets out a sigh. "because now that he knows, chiron and mr. d are gonna send him on a quest."


"you think percy's gonna go unless you give him a reason?" grover inquires, to which havan responds with a tiny "oh" of realization. "so, what will you do now? because i told him i'd back off." havan responds.

havan lifts her eyebrows to indicate that she wants more information, and he responds, "we're gonna give him a reason."

"and what's that?" asks the girl. "his mom."

havan sighs. "we're gonna get in trouble for this but ok, lead the way." as the two proceeded towards the location where chiron and mr. d were arguing and with percy.

"you will accept this quest!" mr. d yells at the young man.

in response, percy yells back. "i won't!"

grover enters the equation now that havan is by his side and says, "hey, everybody."

"grover, now is not the time." says chiron.

"actually, it's the ideal time. i know i said i would back off, percy, but you have to hear this." havan continues.

"im sorry, sir. but i have news--" grover starts but is cut off by chiron reprimanding him.

"sally jackson is still living." with this statement, percy is now gazing at him as he continues, "it looked like she died, but it only looked that way."

mr. d steps in. "grover--" but havan interrupts him. "mr. d, please stop. he needs to know the truth. percy, your mother was stolen...by hades. which means she's with him now, in the underworld." the girl ends, turning to look at grover, who then speaks.

grover gets going. "that's where they want you to go too, isn't it? if you can find her there. we think you can bring her back." the older beings turned to watch the children, tensely awaiting percy's response. percy sighs as he turns around to face chiron.

"when do we leave?"


this was short 😭😭😭
just wanted to start fresh next chap
but here's this update for now
next chapter will be out later!


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