iii. ❝ the goat and the witch ❞

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"COULDN'T YOU JUST HAVE TELEPORTED US HERE?" grover inquires his friend, as they stood at the door of the cabin where sally and percy were

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"COULDN'T YOU JUST HAVE TELEPORTED US HERE?" grover inquires his friend, as they stood at the door of the cabin where sally and percy were.

"don't be dumb. i can only transport myself in and out of the underworld. and you kinda have to be dead to come with me." she answers.

grover rolls his eyes at this before loudly knocking on the wooden door, the rain was pouring outside and it had been a long journey. the two didn't have time to waste anymore. "who's there?" a female voice responds.

"mrs. jackson? it's grover. this is a little time sensitive. could someone please open the door?" grover says, looking behind him. checking for any dangers and if havan was still behind him.

seconds later, the door swung open to reveal a disheveled looking woman. "i asked to have the night, you said we could all leave in the morning." she states, her gaze shifting between the boy and the unknown girl behind him.

𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋, percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now