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I know I haven't posted in a while, but I hope everyone enjoys the new year! 


Nothing could ever prepare Leonardo for "the talk". Anyone who has ever had "the talk" with their family knows what I'm talking about. The awkward silence, even though the conversation is worse than the silence. The death glare, determined to spike your very soul and make you fear dating anyone in the first place. However, nothing could ever compare to having to have "the talk" with Raphael.

Sweet, kind, overprotective Raphael.

"So..." Raph begins, looking Leo dead straight in the eyes.

Awkwardly chuckling, Leo begins to play with the hilt of his sword.

Raph had declared a "family meeting" the next day after his and Usagi's... confessions to each other. Now, Leo was being faced with his brothers. Raphael peering into his soul, Donatello taking notes on Leo's reactions, and Michelangelo- innocently oblivious to what was about to go down.

"I shouldn't have to say it but..."

"Then don't." Leo said, shrugging, leaning back into his bean bag chair in the living room.

"Oh but Leonardo, you seem to be jumping into this relationship rather quickly. This kind of attraction is scientifically impossible! You two barely know each other!" Donnie sighs, shaking his head.

"Donnie has a point, Leo. I want to see you happy, but I don't want you to make a mistake." Raph says sternly, placing a hand on Leo's shoulder.

"Wait what kind of mistake are we talking about?" Mikey asks innocently.

Ignoring the question like it was never asked, Donnie adds, "I can interview him, if you'd like. I can test to see if he's compatible with you based on my data research. Then we'd know for sure, and you wouldn't have to waste your precious time trying to find out."

"What is wrong with you guys?!" Leo argues, jumping up, "Just leave me alone! Usagi is not a bad person and I can handle myself!"

"Leo..." Raph sighs.

"What? You don't trust me, is that it? I know Usagi, I know all about him, and he's amazing!"

"I trust you, we trust you Leo, I just don't want your heart getting hurt." Raph says, reaching out a hand to comfort his brother.

Leo slaps his hand away, looking his older brother in the eyes, "Well I've fixed every mistake I've ever made, Raphael, and if this relationship I have with Usagi ends up being another mistake- I can fix that one too."

"You don't understand, Leo." Mikey squeaks. They all turn to face him, surprised to see him speaking up. "A broken heart is something that you may not be able to fix."

"Whatever." Leo grumbles, stomping out of the living room and heading to his bedroom.


Usagi heard it all, I mean, how could he not? Leo was practically screaming at his brothers while Usagi was just trying to get a glass of water from the kitchen. All Usagi could feel was guilt and fear rising up from his stomach. He didn't want to stand in the way of a family bond, that was unlike him- and plus, he felt horrible for getting into this whole mess.

Usagi should have known better, or at least that's what he kept telling himself.

"Perhaps..." Usagi mumbled, "I have over-extended my stay..."

Feeling defeated and perhaps a bit embarrassed, Usagi staggered back to the medical room, prepared to grab his stuff and find a way out of the sewers- but before he could make it out of the kitchen a blue masked turtle stood in his way.

"Hey." Leo chuckled and smiled, a light blush now began forming on his cheeks every time the two met up with each other.

"Hi. Um. I need to get something... uh... from my room." Usagi said, pointing to the doorway. He needed to get out of there and leave before he made the situation any worse.

"Oh! What do you need? I can go grab it real quick!" Leo smiled.

"I think... I'll grab it myself, thank you, though." Usagi said, trying to be stern while maintaining a half-crooked smile on his face.

"Oh...ok." Leo responded with a questioning look, but letting Usagi pass.

Usagi didn't want to just leave the Hamotos, but he also knew he didn't want to ruin the Hamatos. Yes, Usagi rarely ever felt the feeling of love, however, every time he felt it the relationship always ended in disaster. Everything Usagi did ended in disaster.

Now in the medical room he called his own, he began frantically packing all his things. He raced out of the room passing Mikey who just looked at Usagi with a confused glance as he rushed by.

Usagi wasn't sure even how he could get out of the sewer, all he could think was: run. Run, before you mess everything up. So that's exactly what he did, he ran.

Down through the twists and turns of the sewers, which Usagi found to be much darker than he thought. He didn't even know how far he was from the lair now, but at least he was alone. He was free, but he was alone.

Usagi didn't know how long he had been running now, his chest ached, and his lungs felt like they were on fire. Tears welled in his eyes.

Panting, Usagi came to a pause to catch his breath. He put his back against the cold and sturdy sewer walls, dragging his body down until he was sitting on the ground. He crossed his legs and tilted his head back.

How pathetic. He thought, I already miss him.

But Usagi knew this was for the best.

After all, nothing lasts forever. 

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