Chapter 43 - Idris

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I skateboard a lot just to be away from Everett's house. I'm starting to feel bad about getting up early to leave before anyone else is up in a way I never did when I was living with my family. It's like I'm telling them I don't want to be around them. I do, but not right now. Not when I have to think about having dinner with my family and the fact that Briar's family offered to be there to help me talk things out with them.

That family is pretty amazing.

I'm so caught up in my thoughts about them that I barely register a kid appearing in front of me out of nowhere. I swerve at the last second, grabbing the kid under the arms for good measure. I come to a stop beneath the shade of a tree, hopping off my skateboard and gently setting the kid back on her feet.

"You okay?" I ask, kneeling to meet her wide blue eyes.

She nods and opens her mouth to say more. Before she can, pounding footsteps fill the air. We both turn to see a red-haired girl I haven't seen in a long time come to a stop next to us with a huff, adjusting the present under her arm.

"Kate," Mona snaps, "I told you to wait for me." Kate frowns, crossing her arms over her chest. Mona makes a face before turning to me with an apologetic smile. It freezes on her face when she sees it's me. "Idris?"

I nod, standing. "How are you, Mona?"

She gives Kate an exasperated look, yanking playfully on her black hair. "Could be better without a little sister who tries to get herself hurt."

Kate huffs, turning away. "I wasn't trying to get myself hurt. I just wasn't paying attention because I wanted to get to the party before they ran out of cake." She looks over her shoulder at Mona. "And it wasn't like I did get hurt." She gestures to me. "He caught me."

Mona nods at me. "Thanks for that."

I nod back, kicking my skateboard up in my hands. "No problem."

Mona turns back to Kate, handing her the present. "Just be careful next time. I'm sure your friends will save cake for you anyway." Kate doesn't respond. She just takes the present and turns on her heels, marching off to the picnic tables surrounded by kids, parents, and older siblings. Mona rolls her eyes, planting her hands on her hips. She mutters, "Little gremlin..." I laugh softly, drawing her attention back to me. She gives me a sheepish smile, dropping her hands. "Thanks again for catching her."

"No problem. So..." I look between Mona and Kate. Morgan, Mona's twin brother, flashes through my head. "How are you really?"

Mona's smile wavers. I start to apologize, but she waves me off. "It's okay." She starts walking towards the picnic tables, taking a seat on a bench a few yards away. She keeps her eyes on Kate as she laughs with the other kids. "I'm okay."

I sit with her, shrugging off my backpack and setting it next to me. "I don't think I've ever asked you how you were feeling after Morgan died."

She blinks at the words like she's hearing the news for the first time. She looks down at the silver bracelet on her wrist. She reaches up to rub the pendant: half of a broken heart. Her eyes darken as she slowly lowers her hands.

"Sorry," I say. "I didn't mean to make you upset."

Mona shakes her head, the sunlight streaming through the leaves above us making her red hair shimmer. "It's okay." She stares straight ahead at the people milling around. "It's still a little weird to think that Morgan is gone."

I nod. "I know we didn't talk much, but anyone could tell you and Morgan were close." She laughs softly, rolling her eyes. I arch an eyebrow. "What does that mean...?" I quickly add, "If you want to tell me."

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