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Minghao's pov

it was lunch time at school me, wonwoo hyung,woozi hyung,jisoo hyung, jeonghan hyung and seungkwan we were sitting together.

As we were eating our food peacefully suddenly someone put his hand around me. I turned to look who it was and here comes junhui.aghh why is he here.

"Hey babe!"

"I am not your babe and take off your hand from me."

I said glaring at him but he suddenly stand up and give me a lunch box.

"What's this?"

Asked jeonghan hyung.who was enjoying the drama that was about to happen with other members.

"A lunch box duhh!!"

"Yahh wen junhui!! If you talk to me like that again I will cut off your tongue!"

" Sorry hyung but what you ask didn't make any sense soo.. btw it's from my mom she asked me to bring those to you."

I nodded and take box because it was from his mom.

As I opened the box a bug suddenly come out of it as it happened suddenly I got scared and I fall down my seat.

Jun was laughing his ass out now standing near me.jeonghan hyung come towards me asked if I was okay or not but I didn't say anything I get up and run after jun who was running away as he sees me standing up. I was running behind him he is so fast I can't take it anymore.

I will take my revenge just wait wen junhui.

As I make my to cafeteria I got a call. I check it and it was my mom. I smile and pick up the call.

"Hey mom!!"

"Hey baby!! How are you?"

"I am good mom btw are you home now?"

"Yes we are!! Btw I called you to told you that after the tour college is over come at junnie's house okk??"

"Why mommm??!! You know Naa I can't stand him he always annoy me" I say pouting.

"No arguing just come with jun to his house we are already at his house we have something to talk to you both okk byy!"

"Wait mo--"

She cut it.

Junhui's pov

I was running away from minghao
As I see back he was not running behind me so i smirked

"I won again!!"

As I make my way toward my friends I got a call from dad.

"Hey dad"

"Junhui come home with minghao. and please do not tease him if I hear him say you did something you are so done.we have something important to talk you both"

"Ok dad I will come with him bye"


I sigh and go to my I get there they were chatting about something.

Seungcheol hyung was talking with jeonghan hyungon the phone seokmin and hoshi were fighting over god know what,Vernon was teasing mingyu by wonwoo's name and mingyu was blushing like a mad.
What kind of friends are they?
They didn't even notice me!!

"Hey guys!"

"Oh hey jun hyung"

Vernon say and goes back to teasing mingyu.

"Guys I have to take minghao to our house"

As I said that seungcheol hyung cut the call,dk and hoshi Stop the fight, Vernon and mingyu stop what they were doing.

"What?"I say

Suddenly they all smirked and look at me with teasing eyes.

"Wen junhui do you like him?"

"Ewww noo!!! What are you saying me and him!! No and never!!!"

"So why are you taking him your home?"

"Did you forget our parents are best friends and I think they decided to take dinner with his parents as minghao's parents were not home for like... 2 months?"

"Ohhh okk"

After school

3rd person's pov

Minghao was standing near gate waiting for jun.

"Aghhh where is he??""

He flinch as he hear the car horn and look it was jun's car so open the door and sit inside.

"Let's go"



I thought to write a new tell me how is it okk byyy!!!!!

rude to sweet /junhaoWhere stories live. Discover now