ch 4

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Jun's pov

I wake up with back pain as I was sleeping at couch and It was really painful.I get up from couch and look at the bed and it was i go there and layed down.I close my eyes ready to sleep but then my eyes open as I hear some sound from downstairs.i get up and come out of room and goes downstairs slowly without making any noice
When I reached down I hear someone humming a song.I recognise the voice and it was minghao I suddenly remember that we were married tomorrow.

I was now standing beside the refrigerator and look at minghao who was making breakfast while humming song but then he turned around and as he sees me he yelled out loud I guess he got scared.

"Ohh sorry I got scared."

He said while laughing nervously

"you know how to apologise!! Woww!!"

I say dramatically but he stepped in my toes once again.

" Agghhh!"

Minghao's pov

I was at my room ready take shower but then I got a call. I check and it was mom.i picked up call.

"Heyy momm!!"

"Heyy how are you doing baby!"

"I am doing fine and the house is very good but there is a problem"

"Oh really what is it???"

"Why did you lock other 2 rooms?"

"Ohh that Sorry but we have to do that. Btw we are coming at your house in evening and your 'paa' said that he want to eat the food that is made by you soo can you make it?"

"Yes mom why not?"

We talked for a while now but then she said she have important work to do so she will call later.

I totally forgot about shower so i goes inside and do my skin routine and showered as I straightened my hand to grab my clothes but guess what I forgot to bring it with me.

I cursed under my breath and goes toward the door and unlocked it and picked outside making sure jun is not here.if he see me like that he will make fun of me.I then hurriedly wrap towel around my torso and go out.As I stepped in the room the room's door open revealing jun who was drinking milk he spit it out of his mouth as he sees me.

I grab my clothes and ran back in bathroom.oh my good!!! It was so embarrassing!!!

I put on my clothes and step outside just to see junon the bed looking at his phone.he looked up but immediately look back at his phone.

"Amm.... Mom called me and said they are coming here in evening and paa want to eat the food made by me soo..."


"There is nothing in the kitchen. So can you take me to the grocery store?"

"Okk let me just get ready we will leave after an hour.but till then can you make me breakfast? I am kinda hungry."

"Will bread toast do something with you hunger?"

"Yeah if you want to make them!!"

"Okk get ready and come down."

3rd person's pov

As minghao said that he step out of their room and goes in kitchen and start to make jun's breakfast.Minghao is making pancakes and coffee.

As minghao was making breakfast junhui come downstairs and sit on the chair beside minghao heared the chair moving he turned around and see junhui was staring at his phone.

He grabbed jun's breakfast and placed it infront of jun who looked at his food smiling and started to eat.jun was eating his food while watching mobile and was laughing at some video. Hearing that minghao looked at him and grabbed jun's phone and put it in the pocket back of his jeans and said

"No phone while eating!"

"Yahhh!! You can't order me like that."

Minghao glared at him.seeing minghao glaring jun sat back at his seat and murmed.

"He get scarier after getting married."

Jun finish his food and leaned back to his chair and grabbed his stomach and said

"Waah!!!how can someone like you can make this delicious food"

" Shut up dickhead and let's go I don't have time to waste."

"Yeah yeah whatever!!"

Jun said and stand up making his way to living room and take his car keys and leave the house.

While minghao followed him with mobile in his hand.after they sit in the car they left for grocery their way minghao opened his wi Dow and look outside butthen he hear other saying

"Yahh!! Close the window I am turning on the a.c."

"No,but thanks!"

Minghao said and still looking outside.


As they reached there they get out of the car and entered the store.minghao took a trolley and took jun's hands and placed it on the trolley.and without saying anything he started to walk but then he look back at his husband who was still standing there while glaring at him.


"You can't do that you just said to drop you at store but now you are making me do work"


Minghao said and turned around to check what he will need for dinner while jun sigh and follow his husband.

Now minghao was trying to take   Sugar that was placed little higher but he was not reaching there.jun who was watching minghao trying his best to take sugar but wasn't able to do it.jun sigh and go to minghao and grabbed sugar.

As minghao feel someone's presence behind him he turned around and look at jun who was already looking at him.they look at each other's eyes.but suddenly they hear someone saying something.

"Ammm.... boys this is not a garden this is a grocery store so you can do this in garden or at your house!"

Said a old lady.they both get away from each other as jun goes to the trolley and minghao walk a little bit further.after that accident they didn't even look at each other in whole time.

rude to sweet /junhaoWhere stories live. Discover now