ch 6

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As they arrived at their school
All eyes were on them.minghao was ready hear all the comments making on him.he closed his eyes ready for everything.but then girls suddenly started to shout.

"Woaaaaw!!They are here girls~"

"They look so cute together!!"


Minghao look at almost whole school's girls who were busy fangirling over them.minghao was so shocked.he look at jun who was looking or I say checking them out.minghao stepped his feet on his toe.

"Yaahh!!? Whyyy~"

"You are checking out girls infront of your husband."


"Did he just say husband!!!!oh my god!!"

"Ohh my they are so cute!!"

"You know oppa I also make your ship name!"

"S-Ship name??"

"Yeah it is...JUNHAO!!"



"Wait?!! But why his name is first??! It should be 'HAOJUN!"

"What noo way!"

Jun said as he heard what minghao was saying

"Yes oppa! It has to be jun oppa!! Because he is a top material!"

"Aghhh!! Whatever"

Minghao says rolling his eyes and left from he and every girl were gone jun start to flirt with a girl.

Jeonghan and seungcheol was watching this from far no no only jeonghan was watching the drama as seungcheol was busy admiring the angle infront of him.the angle was talking nonsense but for seungcheol it was music to hear his boyfie talking cutely.

Anyway as minghao left jun also left from there. They go to their classes.

After two months of their marriage.

Minghao and jun were so close now they start to cook for each other, blushing if they share skinship.but i have to admit that they started to fall for each other.but minghao is too scared to tell and junhui he is still not accepting it.

It was new year today and both's parents decide to celebrate it here they are right now sitting in a restaurant while waiting for Mr.Xu and Mrs.Xu. They were late minghao was getting impatient while waiting he was whining cuz his parents wasn't here yet.he call his dad who picked it up after a ring.

"Appa!! Where are you we are waiting for almost half hour now.when will you get here??

"Hao we are almost there just wait 5 mins."

His mom said and minghao whi wd again but this time his father answered

"Hao we are just few blocks away from the---"


And then minghao heard the crash of his parents car he shouted


As he yell jun:s father came to him and said

"What happened dear why did you shout huh!!?"

"P-Paa i-i j-j-us-t h-hear c-car-r c-cra-shed!!"

Minghao said shuttering as he look at his phone and it was cut. He called it again and it was picked it up. But it wasn't his mom or dad. It was guy.a stranger.

"Amm-- is this this Phone's owner's relative speaking.?"

"Who are you and why did you pick up my dad's phone?? Where is he?? Tell me where is he??"

Minghao yelled out of anger as he hear that Stanger speaking something and then the phone fell out his grip mad minghao fell on the floor.jun go to minghao who was now at the floor crying.Mr.Wen took the phone and talk in it.

"Hello? May I know why did you pick up the call instead if it's owner."

"Actually! We are in our way to hospital with the phone's owner and his wife. If you are their relatives plzz come the at xxx hospital!"

Mr.wen look at minghao who was still on the floor while crying in jun's arms.he lift him up and let him sit in the car and went to xxx hospital.aa they get there. minghao runs to the reception And said

"Mr.Xu and Mrs.Xu w-whe-where a-are th-hey?"

"Room no.17 sir."

Minghao run to room 17 and see from that room a doctor was coming out of it.

"How are they doctor??"

Asked Mr.Wen. doctor sigh and said

"We tried to save them but...
I am sorry sir."

Doctor bow and left. Mr.Wen and jun looked at eachother shocked and then look at minghao who was freeze in his place. Mr.Wen support minghao as he fell down and start to cry silently. he thinks that it's his fault.

"It's all my fault!"

"Noo hao noo why are you thinking like that it's not your fault."said." Mr.Wen said and hugged poor boy. minghao was crying nonstop.

It was the day of Xu couple's funeral.minghao was just stood there with blank expressions and bow to everyone who come to him to say they are sorry for him.

After the funeral. Minghao and jun were now at their home. It was lunch time and jun was calling minghao who locked himself in guest room and was not opening door.

"Minghao please! Eat something you didn't even touch food since yesterday."

Jun said but still he hear


Jun sigh and left from there It was now night and minghao still didn't come out of the room. Jun was worried. He knocked on the door but minghao didn't say Anything. Jun start to get worried as whenever he knock minghao still say something but he didn't say anything.

He forcefully open the door as he get inside he see room is dark and in the corner of room was sitting minghao. Jun get closer to him and hear something.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have called them. I am a murder. I kill my parents. No will forgive me."

Jun shaked minghao as why minghao was talking like that. Jun lift minghao and make his way downstairs. As they get down he put minghao on chair. But as he left him. minghao fall on the table. He goes unconscious. Jun panicked he called his father.

"Hello jun everythin---"

"Dad minghao got unconscious what should I do ??!"

"Take him to hospital we will'be there."

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