ch 3

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Wedding day

Minghao was in dressing room with his parents and his friends.he hugged his mom and cry softly in her arms.

"Don't cry baby if you don't like with each other you can get divorce after a year so now stop crying or you will look ugly!"

" Don't say that my son is not ugly." Mr.xu said and kissed his son on his forehead.

"Awww how cute."said bottom line.

After that Mr.xu take his son's hand come towards jun.who was nervous as he was getting married.his dad rubbed his back
Soon now junhao were grabbing their hands and was smiling forcely.

After vows

"Now you may kiss him"

"Oh my god what will happen? What do think cheol they will kiss each other or not." Said jeonghan while grabbing seungcheol's hand tightly while seungcheol was staring at him with love in his eyes..

Back to make n couple

As priest said that they both widened their eyes and look at each other but then minghao said

"Just kiss my hand you idiot!!"

"Ahh yes"

Jun kissed minghao's hand and they heard cheering from crowd.they turned towards crowd and bow to them and then mr.wen announced everyone to enjoy dinner.

After eating dinner and sending guests home they decided to make junhao ho to their new house.

Jun and minghao sat in the car and minghao rubbed his hand make disgusting face while jun start the car. But then jun noticed what minghao was doing

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I am wipping your kiss off"

Jun stopped the car and look at minghao and said

"Listen here you little dumbhead now I am your husband you can't order me like you always do you have to listen to me and do everything I say okay?."

Minghao roll his eyes and said


Making jun angry jun take off his seat belt and v me closer to minghao while minghao back up until he was now touching window. jun come that close to him that if he move even a little bit they might kiss.

"You have to do what is say."

Minghao pushed him back to his seat and sat straight on his seat.jun smirk and turn on the car and drove off to their new they reach there he immediately get out of car and make his way inside house.

While jun was coming his hands in the pocket and was whistling.

As minghao get inside he sees stairs and goes upstairs and then he see 3 rooms as he choose the third one in corner but it was locked so get in second but it was also locked and there was just one room was left and he knew their parents did that so they both can stay in one room. he was standing there looking at the 1st door but then there comes jun slowly planning to scare minghao as he come closer he shouted


but minghao being minghao he didn't even flinch instead he step on jun's toe and goes inside the room as jun also entered the room it has only one bed

"YAAH!! Where is other bed?"

It's in the bathroom"

Said minghao as he roll his eyes.

" Can't you answer properly!!"

"Then why are you asking me it's not like I did decorat this house. I myself is here for first time"

"Does that mean we have to sleep on one bed?"



Minghao grab a pillow and a blanket and throw it towards jun and said

"You are going to sleep on couch"

He said and walk towards bathroom and entered it.jun laughed in disbelief.but nevertheless he take off his make up and grab his nightwear and set in the bed while waiting for minghao to get out of there.

Just then minghao walked out of bathroom while drying his hair and jun entered bathroom and showered and get out from there.

As he entered the room he see minghao sleeping peacefully.he sigh and take his pillow and blanket and sleep on couch.


rude to sweet /junhaoWhere stories live. Discover now