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Minghao was smirking at Ema who was taken aback. He come closer to her and said

"Aww!!!I think jun don't want to be yours anymore you know!!! Because now he is mine."

As minghao said that Ema glared at him. She was about to grab his hair but jeonghan come and garb her hands and twist it hard.

"y-yaah l-leave m-me!!"

Ema groan in pain and forcely take her hands away from jeonghan who just laugh at her with his childrens..

Minghao and othe bottoms were about leave from there but Ema suddenly push minghao who fell on the floor. Other bottoms glared at her while she was looking at minghao and then she shout


as minghao heard his parents name his eyes start to get teary. He started to crying while other just comfort him.

Jun's pov

Me and others were on our way to bottom line who were waiting for us on the gate. I can't wait till I get home made cuddle with my hao. But then I heard a familiar voice.


It was Ema and I knew to whom she was talking to. I run towards corridor and see minghao on the floor crying while other comforting him. But then wonwoo saw me


As he said that everyone look at me who was looking at my hao. He look at me and just cry while hugging jeonghan hyung.

As Ema sees me she comes towards me and linked her arms with my arms but I just pushed her hand away and go to minghao.

As I go there i pulled him into a tight hug and kissed his head. But then

"Wen junhui!!! Do you want him dead huh??"

I heard Ema say and look at her. She was looking at us but then she pulled a knife from God knows where. And walked toward us. As she come closer minghao hug me more tightly.

I gave him to jeonghan hyung and turn to Ema who was looking at minghao. I slapped her really hard and said

"How dare you touch my baby huh!!"

Ema stand up and look at me with tears in her eyes and said

"I will go Back to Japan and you will come for me!! Mins that!""

As she said she leave from there.

After 2 months

Minghao's pov

I opened my eyes and see jun's chest that doesn't have any piece of cloth. And I see his nipple. I smiled and kiss it.
While he just groan but go back to sleep.

I took his one nipple on my mouth and start to suck it. I bit it hard and he spank my butt with his hand that was on my butt..

rude to sweet /junhaoWhere stories live. Discover now