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3rd person's pov

"Hyung I love you."

" H-Huh?"

As minghao see that jun was not showing any emotion. His smile faded and he goes to his bed and layed there. As jun saw him getting tucked up in the bedhe hurriedly go to the bed and lay there beside minghao. Who was crying silently.

Jun thenback huh minghao and said in his ear

"I love you too hao!"

As minghao hear that he immediately turned around and look at me shock.

"For real??"

I smile and kiss his forehead. Minghao put his legs on the top of jun and put hands on his chest hugging him tightly. Jun also wrapped his hand around the boy and caressed his hair.

Soon they both were sleeping in each other's arms.

Next morning

Jun's pov

I open my eyes and I first see the most adorable sight infront of me. Minghao was sleeping while hugging my one arm and his both leg was between my legs. And he was sleeping with his mouth slightly open.

I was looking at him but then he open his eyes and look at me just to see I was already staring at him. He smile and said

"Good morning!"

"Good morning"

We were looking at each other. And the i realised I don't just like him but now I love him so much.

3rd person's pov

After a while if staring at each other minghao chuckled and said

"We don't have a time for these things. We have get ready for school."

As minghao said that jun groan and cover his head with blanket and said

"I don't Want to go today!"

"Yash!! Wen junhui do you even know how down your marks are?"

"Let me sleep for a while I promise after you will get ready I'll be there!"

Minghao said and nodded. Then he left to get ready. After 15 mins he get out of there and he see jun still sleeping. He sigh and come near him. He then snatch his blanket away and just tobhi whining.

"Haoo!! Let me sleep na!"

"Ok then go back to sleep i am going to school alone bye!"

Minghao huffed and was about to left from there but then suddenly jun pulled him towards by grabbing his hand. Minghao loose his balance and he fell on jun.

Minghao look at jun and see him smiling while looking at him. minghao blushed and said

"Y-Yah W-What a-are you d-doing?"

"I am looking at the love of my life!"

Minghao blushed again and slightly hit jun's chest. but what happened next shocked jun.

Minghao suddenly peck jun's lips. And was about to run away but jun did the same thing he did awhile ago. He look at minghao with shock. And minghao took his reaction wrong and he thought jun didn't like it. So he whispered

"I am sorry I wil not do that again!"

Jun shook his head and said

"NOO!! I want you to do this every single minute."

He said peck his lips several time. Minghao giggle nonstop. but then they both stop and jun and minghao lean close to each other and they share a kiss. Their first kiss with one they love.

At school

After that kiss jun has become obsessed with minghao's lips. As he kept asking for it.

As jun get out of their car jun run towards minghao who was getting jun's beg ready as jun was so lazy to do that. As minghao was still in the car jun asked him to open the window. As minghao open it jun entered his head and pout his lips. Means he want a kiss. Minghao smile shyly and kiss him for little long and said

"Now don't call me to kiss you till we are in school ok!!"

"Okk but just give me one last time then I will not ask for it"

Jun pouted his lips again for kiss. Minghao sighs nd kiss him again.

As they were busy doing their couple things. There were three girls who was same in class as minghao and the three who was talking to him in class yesterday. Their name was sana,mina,Lana.

They see everything junhao does just now. And were fangirling over them. They pulled out their phones and start to record them and posted on their school's group.

Everyone by now has seen junhao's video. And now 13 of them were sitting on their table as it was lunch break. And top line was teasing jun who was blushing like crazy seeing this all the bottom were looking at them as they were acting really weird. But then seungkwan said something that all members laugh expect for jun who glared at him

"I think jun hyung is bottom like just look at him he is blushing like a crazy while look at hao he is not blushing he is claiming his man!!"

Meanwhile with Ema and her friends.

Ema was so angry looking at the video. She was breaking every single thing she see first.


While Emily her friend just look at her and said

"Now what?? Now I think jun also love him!"

"NOOO!! He is mine only mine and even if I have to kill minghao then I will kill him but I will take jun away from him!"

"See Ema just calm down right now. Before you do something, talk with minghao and try to make him understand that they're not right for each other ok?? And even after that he doesn't listen just do what you want!"

School was finish and bottom line was in the corridor giving ideas of how minghao can make jun jealous. Tops were not with them as they have one more class of they decided to wait for them.

As they were standing there suddenly someone call minghao. he turned and see Ema standing there while glaring at him. He smirk and look at her back. Ema was taken aback as now minghao was standing infront her because everytime she do something to minghao. He never said anything but now as you can see.

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