Poem 5- Mirror

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Get up and look in the mirror and tell me what you see!? Is it a sweet angelic face, who every single person in the world adores or just you trying to live up to your dreams, cause if you ask me, those faces will be of two different persons. This is a poem, in which a mirror is nothing but a gateway leading to ourselves.


Get up right now and look in the mirror,
Tell me what you see?
Is it an angel,
Positivity everywhere, who's reaping?
Or is it the same demon,
The one that your mother
haunted you with,
When as a child you weren't sleeping?

So, why don't you just hide in your smile
Where nobody can see you.
Keep it up, the armour of pride,
And give 'em a different view.

So get up, put on a smile,
Even when you're about to cry,
I know heart is something so wild,
But don't let it get in your eyes.
What is the point of jealousy?
'Cause they're nothing
but good in fallacy,
After all we only see
the edited version of lives.
It's not good if they're good in fallacy,
They can't even trust their own legacy,
With themselves
trapped just in their memory.
Don't know about lips,
But so little hearts ever smiled.

Get up right now and look in the mirror,
Tell me what you see?
Is it really you,
Or a display the world wants you to be.
Oh! You've been edited and omitted
so much.
I know that you're good but you have flaws in a bunch.

So get up, put on a smile,
Even when you're about to cry,
I know heart is something so wild,
But don't let it get in your eyes.
What is the point of jealousy?
'Cause they're nothing
but good in fallacy,
After all we only see
the edited version of lives.
It's not good if they're good in fallacy,
They can't even trust their own legacy,
With themselves
trapped just in their memory.
Don't know about lips,
But so little hearts ever smiled.
You only praised the country songs,
But what about the faroff elegies?
The ones which they shouted,
At the top of their lungs,
Which got echoed back by the endless seas,
But the ache still remained in the breeze.

So cheers,
to the ones who survived being nice.
Who did everything but to live their life,
'pleasing' I thought was a fucking strategy,
A show piece is what I ended up to be.



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