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Tim and Lucy drove to  Ravens Eatary where she saw everyone waiting outside●
Tim:"Lucy , are all those people your friends?"
Lucy:"Well, They aren't my friends , they are my cousins and my brothers."
Tim looks at lucy with a shocked face as she looked at him and smiled.
Tim:*pulls into the parking lot , get out of his truck and goes to open the door for lucy*"My lady." He says as he smirked
Lucy:"why thank you." She holds his hand and gets down.
The two walked to the group of people.
Tim looks at lucy but turns his head back.
Lucy:"Hey Buck, Where's Eddie?"
Buck:"Chris got sick  so he couldn't come."
Lucy:"Oh, Guys  this is Tim."
Victor:"Wait, Tim bradford?"
Tim looks to see Victor "Vic, Hey" the two hugs each other.
Valaria:"You two know each other?"
Victor:"We rode together before I transferred to the Hollywood division."
□Everyone enters the building and was having a good time when someone came up to them□
Valaria:"Luce , look behind you."
Lucy turns and see Theo and was scared
Theo:"Darling , what are you doing here?"
Lucy:"Dont call me that , we broke up two months ago."
Tim puts his hands on lucy's thigh and whispers"Is he the ex you were talking about with Jackson?"
Theo:"Is this your new boyfriend?"
Lucy was about to answer when Some behind him say "Can you please my sister alone"
Everyone turned to Anthony looking down on Theo.
Theo runs off and everyone laughs including tim
Lucy:"Thanks tony."
Anthony:"No problem lil sis" he looks at tim "Nice to see you again General ."
Tim says "You too  lieutenant."
Lucy whispers "You know my brother ?!"
Tim says "yes , I worked with him in the army"
Everyone continued Dinner and decided to hangout after at Lucy's house.
  (Since she is rich,Lucy's house looks like this)

Tim:"Nice house." He says as they pulled up to the house.
The two gets out of the truck and heads inside .
Lucy:"Im going to go change the living room is down the left , the first room."

□Lucy goes to her room and change . The   rest of the group shows up and heads to the living room□
Lucy:*walks in the living room and sees tim face turns red when he say her*.

Lucy:"What do you guys want to do?"

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